sftp: command not found

sftp command is the implementation of the Secure File Transport Protocol (SFTP). SFTP uses SSH tunnel as a transportation mechanism to encrypt data. Whereas scp is used purely for transferring files, sftp can transfer files and manage files and directories. So, you can list, create, and remove directories on the remote system. The sftp command also supports resuming file transfers, whereas scp does not.

Just like with the standard ftp command, you can use sftp interactively or non-interactively. For example, to retrieve a file non-interactively:

# sftp user@host:file.txt

If you encounter the below error while running the sftp command:

sftp: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

OS Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install openssh-client
Ubuntu apt-get install openssh-client
Alpine apk add openssh-client
Arch Linux pacman -S scp
Kali Linux apt-get install openssh-client
CentOS yum install openssh-clients
Fedora dnf install openssh-clients
Raspbian apt-get install openssh-client

sftp Command Examples in Linux

1. Connect to a remote server and enter an interactive command mode:

# sftp remote_user@remote_host

2. Connect using an alternate port:

# sftp -P remote_port remote_user@remote_host

3. Connect using a predefined host (in `~/.ssh/config`):

# sftp host

4. Transfer remote file to the local system:

get /path/remote_file

5. Transfer local file to the remote system:

put /path/local_file

6. Transfer remote directory to the local system recursively (works with `put` too):

get -R /path/remote_directory

7. Get list of files on local machine:


8. Get list of files on remote machine:

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