screenkey Command Examples in Linux

screenkey is a screencasting tool for Linux that displays the keys pressed on the keyboard during a screencast or presentation. It is a useful tool for demonstrating keyboard shortcuts or for providing visual feedback during a live demo or tutorial.

screenkey is a simple and lightweight tool that runs in the background and displays the keys pressed in a small overlay window on the screen. The window can be customized in various ways, such as changing the font size, color, and position on the screen.

screenkey Command Examples

1. Display keys which are currently being pressed on the screen:

# screenkey

2. Display keys and mouse buttons which are currently being pressed on the screen:

# screenkey --mouse

3. Launch the settings menu of screenkey:

# screenkey --show-settings

4. Launch screenkey at a specific position:

# screenkey --position top|center|bottom|fixed

5. Change the format of the key modifiers displayed on screen:

# screenkey --mods-mode normal|emacs|mac|win|tux

6. Change the appearance of screenkey:

# screenkey --bg-color "#a1b2c3" --font Hack --font-color yellow --opacity 0.8

7. Drag and select a window on screen to display screenkey:

# screenkey --position fixed --geometry $(slop -n -f '%g')


In addition to its basic features, screenkey also provides a number of advanced options for customizing its behavior. For example, you can configure it to display only the keys pressed within a specific application or to display the keys pressed in a different language or layout.

Overall, screenkey is a useful tool for creating screencasts and presentations that involve keyboard input. Its simplicity and customization options make it a valuable tool for developers, educators, and anyone else who needs to demonstrate keyboard shortcuts or provide visual feedback during a presentation or live demo.

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