rm: command not found

The rm command removes files and directories. You must use the -R option to recursively remove files, subdirectories, and the parent directory itself. To remove a file, you must have write permission in the directory that contains the file, but you need not have permission on the file itself. If you do not have write permissions on the file, you will be prompted (y or n) to override. rm is often aliased to rm -i, especially for the root user, to protect against inadvertently deleting files.


The syntax of the rm command is:

# rm [options] {file/directory names}

For example, to remove the ~/myfiles directory and its contents:

# rm -R ~/myfiles

The rm (remove) command can delete files:

# rm file1 file2 file3

or recursively delete directories:

$ rm -r dir1 dir2

If you encounter the below error while running the rm command:

rm: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
OS X brew install coreutils
Debian apt-get install coreutils
Ubuntu apt-get install coreutils
Alpine apk add coreutils
Arch Linux pacman -S coreutils
Kali Linux apt-get install coreutils
CentOS yum install coreutils
Fedora dnf install coreutils
Raspbian apt-get install coreutils

rm Command Examples

1. To remove a file:

# rm file 

2. To forcefully remove a file:

# rm -f file 

3. To prompt before removing any file:

# rm -i file 

4. To prompt before removing any file, if more than three files:

# rm -I file* 

5. To prmpt as specified:

# rm --interactive=WHEN file* 

6. To skip any directory that is on a file system different from specified:

# rm --one-file-system 

7. To do not treat “/” specially:

# rm --no-preserve-root 

8. To do not remove “/”:

# rm --preserve-root 

9. To remove directories and their contents recursively:

# rm -r
# rm -R
# rm --recursive 

10. To run in verbose mode:

# rm -v
# rm --version 

11. To get the help:

# rm --help 

12. To get the version:

# rm --version 
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