rfkill: command not found

rfkill is a command-line utility used to manage wireless devices in a Linux system. It allows you to enable and disable wireless devices such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 3G/4G modems.

Here are some of the main features of rfkill:

  • Enable and disable wireless devices: rfkill can be used to turn on or off wireless devices on a system. This is useful when you want to conserve battery life or disable a device for security reasons.
  • List wireless devices: rfkill provides a list of all the wireless devices on a system and their current status (enabled or disabled). This can help you identify which devices are available and which are not.
  • Block and unblock wireless devices: rfkill can also be used to block and unblock wireless devices. When a device is blocked, it cannot be enabled until it is unblocked. This can be useful when you want to prevent unauthorized access to a device.
  • Monitor device events: rfkill can be used to monitor device events such as device state changes and unblock requests. This can help you identify and troubleshoot issues related to wireless devices.

If you encounter the below error while running the command rfkill:

rfkill: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install rfkill
Ubuntu apt-get install rfkill
Arch Linux pacman -S rfkill
Kali Linux apt-get install rfkill
CentOS yum install rfkill
Fedora dnf install rfkill
Raspbian apt-get install rfkill

rfkill Command Examples

1. List devices:

# rfkill

2. Filter by columns:

# rfkill -o ID,TYPE,DEVICE

3. Block devices by type (e.g. bluetooth, wlan):

# rfkill block bluetooth

4. Unblock devices by type (e.g. bluetooth, wlan):

# rfkill unblock wlan

5. Output in JSON format:

# rfkill -J


Overall, rfkill is a useful tool for managing wireless devices on a Linux system. It can be used to enable and disable devices, monitor device events, and block or unblock devices as needed. It is particularly useful for system administrators, developers, and anyone who needs to manage wireless devices on a Linux system.

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