qrcp Command Examples in Linux

qrcp is a file transfer tool that allows you to quickly and easily transfer files between devices using a web browser. It works by creating a temporary web server on your device, allowing you to send files from one device to another using a QR code or a web browser.

The qrcp tool is particularly useful for transferring files between devices that are not directly connected, such as a laptop and a smartphone, without requiring any additional hardware or software.

To use qrcp, you simply need to install the tool on both devices, open a terminal on the sending device, navigate to the directory containing the files you want to transfer, and run the qrcp command with the desired options.

qrcp Command Examples

1. Send a file or directories:

# qrcp send {{path/to/file_or_directory path/to/file_directory...}}

2. Receive files:

# qrcp receive

3. Compress content before transferring:

# qrcp send --zip {{path/to/file_or_directory}}

4. Specify a [p]ort to use:

# qrcp {{send|receive}} --port {{port_number}}

5. Specify the network [i]nterface to use:

# qrcp {{send|receive}} --interface interface

6. Keep the server alive:

# qrcp {{send|receive}} --keep-alive


Once the server is running, you can use a web browser or QR code scanner to connect to the server and download the files. By default, the server will only run for a limited time (30 seconds) to ensure security.

qrcp is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows, and can be downloaded from the project’s GitHub repository. Overall, qrcp is a simple and convenient tool for transferring files between devices, particularly when you need to do so quickly and without additional hardware or software.

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