pvremove Command Examples in Linux

pvremove wipes the label on a device so that LVM will no longer recognise it as a PV. A PV cannot be removed from a VG while it is used by an active LV.


# pvremove PV [options]

pvremove Command Examples

1. To remove a physical volumes:

# pvremove /dev/sda2

2. To set to debuf mode:

# pvremove -d
# pvremove --debug

3. To force the pv remove:

# pvremove -f /dev/sda2
# pvremove --force /dev/sda2

4. To get the pvremove help:

# pvremove --help

5. To test the pvremove:

# pvremove -t /dev/sda2
# pvremove -t /dev/sda2

6. To set to verbose mode:

# pvremove -v
# pvremove --verbose

7. To get the pvremove version:

# pvremove --version
Note: Repeat the force option (-ff) to forcibly remove a PV belonging to an existing VG. Normally, vgreduce should be used instead.
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