poweroff Command Examples in Linux

The poweroff command closes out filesystems, shutdowns the system, and power it off. Because this command immediately stops all processes, it should be run only in single-user mode. If the system is not in runlevel 0 or 6, poweroff calls shutdown -h, then performs a poweroff.


# poweroff [options]

poweroff Command Examples

1. To shutdown the machine:

# poweroff 

2. Call reboot or halt and not shutdown, even when shutdown would normally be called. This option is used to force a hard halt or reboot:

# poweroff -f
# poweroff --force 

3. To instructs the halt command to instead behave as poweroff:

# poweroff -p
# poweroff --poweroff 

4. Do not shutdown but make an entry into wtmp file:

# poweroff -w
# poweroff --wtmp-only 

5. Shut down network interfaces before reboot.

# poweroff -i

6. Place hard drives in standby mode before halt or poweroff.

# poweroff -h

7. Suppress writing to /var/log/wtmp.

# poweroff -d

8. Suppress normal call to sync.

# poweroff -n

5. Set to the verbose mode:

# poweroff --verbose 
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