nsnake: command not found

nsnake is a terminal-based implementation of the classic Snake game. Snake is a simple arcade game in which the player controls a snake that moves around the screen, collecting food and growing longer with each bite. The objective of the game is to grow the snake as long as possible without running into the walls of the game area or colliding with its own tail.

nsnake is a terminal-based implementation of this game, which can be run directly from the terminal without the need for a graphical user interface. It uses ASCII characters to display the game area and the snake, and allows the player to control the snake using the arrow keys.

nsnake is a fun and simple way to pass the time, and can be a useful tool for those looking to improve their terminal skills. It is also a good example of how to implement a simple game in a terminal-based environment, and can serve as inspiration for those interested in developing their own terminal-based games.

If you encounter the below error while running the command nsnake:

nsnake: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install nsnake
Ubuntu apt-get install nsnake
Kali Linux apt-get install nsnake
Fedora dnf install nsnake
OS X brew install nsnake
Raspbian apt-get install nsnake

nsnake Command Examples

1. Start a snake game:

# nsnake

2. Navigate the snake:

Up|Down|Left|Right arrow key

3. Pause/unpause the game:


4. Quit the game:


5. Show help during the game:

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