named-checkconf: command not found

named-checkconf utility comes bundled with the BIND package and is used to check the syntax of an named configuration file. The named-checkconf will traverse your entire bind configuration and any included files. When managing many thousand domains this is useful: Any configuration syntax error introduced will usually cause the nameserver to stop processing at that error. In other words, any zones specified after the error will not get loaded into the nameserver:

# ./named-checkconf ./named.conf;echo $? 

And now we’ve left out a “.” in an IP address within an allow-transfer statement:

# ./named-checkconf ./named.conf;echo $?
./named.conf:724: undefined ACL '72167.238.111' 1

In case you encounter an error as shown below:

named-checkconf: command not found

You may need to install the bind9utils package as per your choice of distribution.

Distribution Command
OS X brew install bind
Debian apt-get install bind9utils
Ubuntu apt-get install bind9utils
Alpine apk add bind
Arch Linux pacman -S bind
Kali Linux apt-get install bind9utils
Fedora dnf install bind
Raspbian apt-get install bind9utils
Docker docker run named-checkconf


named-checkconf utility is used to check the syntax named configuration files. The output should return nothing for a good/correct file. In case of a badly formatted configuration file you should see some error.

To check all configuration files at once:

# named-checkconf -z
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