micro Command Examples

Micro is a contemporary and user-friendly text editor designed to operate within a terminal environment. It offers a modern and intuitive interface that allows users to efficiently edit text using both keyboard shortcuts and mouse interactions.

Key features and characteristics of Micro include:

  • Terminal-based Interface: Micro operates entirely within a terminal window, making it accessible and lightweight. This allows users to edit text directly within their terminal environment without needing to open a separate graphical application.
  • User-friendly Design: Micro is designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. It features an intuitive interface that is easy for both novice and experienced users to navigate. The editor provides clear visual cues and helpful documentation to assist users in mastering its features.
  • Keyboard and Mouse Support: Micro supports both keyboard shortcuts and mouse interactions, providing users with flexibility in how they navigate and manipulate text. Users can perform common editing tasks using keyboard shortcuts for efficiency, while also having the option to use the mouse for navigation and text selection.
  • Customizable: Micro offers extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor the editor to their preferences. Users can customize keybindings, themes, syntax highlighting, and other aspects of the editor’s behavior to create a personalized editing experience.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Micro provides built-in support for syntax highlighting, making it easy to distinguish between different programming languages or file formats. This enhances readability and helps users identify code elements more easily.
  • Plugins and Extensions: Micro supports plugins and extensions that extend its functionality. Users can install plugins to add additional features or integrate with external tools, enhancing the editor’s capabilities to suit their specific needs.
  • Cross-platform Compatibility: Micro is compatible with a wide range of operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures that users can use Micro across different platforms and environments without encountering compatibility issues.
  • Open Source: Micro is open-source software, meaning that its source code is freely available for inspection, modification, and redistribution under an open-source license. This allows users to contribute improvements or customize the editor to suit their specific requirements.

micro Command Examples

1. Open a file:

# micro [path/to/file]

2. Save a file:

Ctrl + S

3. Cut the entire line:

Ctrl + K

4. Search for a pattern in the file (press Ctrl + N/Ctrl + P to go to next/previous match):

Ctrl + F "[pattern]" [Enter]

5. Execute a command:

Ctrl + E [command] [Enter]

6. Perform a substitution in the whole file:

Ctrl + E replaceall "[pattern]" "[replacement]" [Enter]

7. Quit:

Ctrl + Q


Overall, Micro offers a modern and versatile text editing solution for users who prefer to work within a terminal environment. Its user-friendly interface, support for keyboard and mouse interactions, customization options, and extensibility make it a popular choice among developers and power users alike.

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