mh_metric Command Examples

mh_metric is a tool specifically designed for MATLAB or Octave codebases to calculate and enforce code metrics. Code metrics are quantitative measures used to assess various aspects of code quality, complexity, and maintainability. By analyzing code metrics, developers can identify areas for improvement, ensure consistency, and enforce coding standards across projects.

Key features and functionalities of mh_metric include:

  • Calculation of Code Metrics: mh_metric calculates a range of code metrics for MATLAB or Octave code, including but not limited to:
    • Lines of code (LOC)
    • Cyclomatic complexity
    • Maintainability index
    • Halstead complexity measures
    • Number of functions, classes, or scripts
    • Code duplication

    These metrics provide insights into different aspects of code quality, such as its complexity, size, and potential for maintenance.

  • Enforcement of Code Metrics: mh_metric allows developers to set thresholds or limits for certain code metrics. By enforcing these thresholds, developers can ensure that code adheres to predefined quality standards and remains within acceptable limits for metrics such as cyclomatic complexity or code duplication.
  • Integration with Development Workflow: mh_metric can be integrated into the development workflow, allowing developers to automatically calculate and enforce code metrics as part of the build or continuous integration process. This ensures that code quality checks are performed consistently and automatically, reducing the likelihood of introducing defects or regressions.
  • Customization: Users can customize mh_metric to tailor the calculation and enforcement of code metrics according to their specific requirements. This includes configuring which metrics to calculate, setting threshold values, and defining rules for enforcing coding standards.
  • Reporting: mh_metric provides reporting capabilities to present the results of code metric analysis in a clear and concise manner. Reports may include summaries of code metrics, comparisons against predefined thresholds, and recommendations for improving code quality.
  • Open Source: mh_metric is open-source software, meaning that its source code is freely available for inspection, modification, and redistribution under an open-source license. This allows users to contribute improvements or customize the tool to suit their specific needs.

mh_metric Command Examples

1. Print the code metrics for the specified files:

# mh_metric [path/to/file1.m path/to/file2.m ...]

2. Print the code metrics for the specified Octave files:

# mh_metric --octave [path/to/file1.m path/to/file2.m ...]

3. Print the code metrics for the specified directory recursively:

# mh_metric [path/to/directory]

4. Print the code metrics for the current directory:

# mh_metric

5. Print the code metrics report in HTML or JSON format:

# mh_metric --[html|json] [path/to/output_file]


Overall, mh_metric is a valuable tool for developers working with MATLAB or Octave code who want to assess and improve code quality, maintainability, and adherence to coding standards. By providing automated code metric calculation and enforcement capabilities, mh_metric helps developers ensure that their codebases are well-structured, maintainable, and consistent.

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