meld Command Examples

“Meld” is a graphical diffing and merging tool used primarily for comparing and reconciling differences between files and directories. It provides a user-friendly interface for visualizing changes and resolving conflicts in text files, code, documents, and other types of content. Here’s a more detailed overview of Meld and its features:

  • Graphical Interface: Meld offers a graphical user interface (GUI) that displays side-by-side comparisons of files or directories. This visual representation makes it easy for users to identify differences, additions, deletions, and conflicts between the compared items.
  • File Comparison: Meld allows users to compare individual files, highlighting the lines or sections that differ between them. Users can navigate through the compared files, view detailed line-by-line differences, and merge changes selectively.
  • Directory Comparison: In addition to file comparison, Meld supports directory comparison, enabling users to compare the contents of entire directories. Meld displays a hierarchical view of the directory structure, highlighting differences between files and subdirectories.
  • Three-Way Merging: Meld supports three-way merging, which is particularly useful for resolving conflicts in version control systems like Git or Subversion. With three-way merging, users can compare a common ancestor file with two modified versions, allowing them to reconcile conflicting changes and merge them into a single cohesive file.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Meld provides syntax highlighting for various programming languages and file formats, making it easier to read and understand code and text files during comparison and merging operations.
  • Inline Editing: Meld allows users to edit files directly within the application’s interface. Users can make changes to files during the comparison process and save the modifications directly from Meld, streamlining the editing and merging workflow.
  • Integration with Version Control Systems: Meld integrates with popular version control systems like Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar, allowing users to launch comparisons and merges directly from their version control clients. This integration simplifies the process of resolving conflicts and managing changes in collaborative software development projects.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Meld is available for multiple platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, ensuring compatibility with different operating systems and environments.
  • Extensibility: Meld is extensible, allowing users to enhance its functionality through plugins and custom scripts. Users can add features, customize behavior, or integrate Meld with other tools and systems to meet their specific requirements.

meld Command Examples

1. Start meld:

# meld

2. Compare 2 files:

# meld [path/to/file_1] [path/to/file_2]

3. Compare 2 directories:

# meld [path/to/directory_1] [path/to/directory_2]

4. Compare 3 files:

# meld [path/to/file_1] [path/to/file_2] [path/to/file_3]

5. Open a comparison as a new tab in a pre-existing meld instance:

# meld --newtab [path/to/file_1] [path/to/file_2]

6. Compare multiple sets of files:

# meld --diff [path/to/file_1] [path/to/file_2] --diff [path/to/file_3] [path/to/file_4]


Overall, Meld is a powerful and user-friendly tool for visual diffing and merging of files and directories. Its intuitive interface, comprehensive features, and support for version control systems make it a valuable asset for developers, writers, designers, and anyone else who needs to compare and reconcile changes in their files and projects.

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