mdp Command Examples

“mdp” is a command-line tool that allows users to create presentations directly from Markdown files. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that uses plain text formatting syntax, making it easy to write and read. With “mdp,” users can leverage the simplicity of Markdown to create slides for presentations without the need for complex presentation software. Here’s a deeper look into the features and functionality of “mdp”:

  • Markdown Support: “mdp” supports Markdown syntax, allowing users to create slides using familiar Markdown formatting conventions. Users can use headers, lists, code blocks, links, images, and other Markdown elements to structure their slides and add content.
  • Simple Interface: “mdp” provides a straightforward command-line interface for creating and navigating presentations. Users can easily switch between slides, navigate within slides, and control the presentation flow using keyboard shortcuts or commands.
  • Customization Options: “mdp” offers customization options to control the appearance and layout of slides. Users can specify themes, colors, fonts, and other styling preferences to tailor the presentation’s visual design to their liking.
  • Embedding Media: “mdp” supports embedding media such as images and videos into slides. This allows users to enhance their presentations with multimedia content to engage and captivate their audience.
  • Export Options: “mdp” provides options for exporting presentations to different formats, including PDF, HTML, and images. This enables users to share their presentations in various formats and platforms, making them accessible to a wider audience.
  • Integration with Markdown Workflow: Since “mdp” uses Markdown as its input format, users can seamlessly integrate presentation creation into their existing Markdown-based workflow. This allows for efficient content creation, version control, and collaboration using Markdown-compatible tools and platforms.
  • Open Source: “mdp” is an open-source project hosted on GitHub, meaning that its source code is freely available for inspection, modification, and contribution by the community. This fosters transparency, collaboration, and innovation in the development of the tool.
  • Documentation and Community: “mdp” is accompanied by documentation that provides guidance on installation, usage, and customization. Additionally, there may be community forums, mailing lists, or other channels where users can seek support, share feedback, and collaborate with other users and developers.

mdp Command Examples

1. Launch a presentation in the terminal from a Markdown file:

# mdp []

2. Disable fading transitions:

# mdp --nofade []

3. Invert font colors to use in terminals with light background:

# mdp --invert []

4. Disable transparency in transparent terminals:

# mdp --notrans []


Overall, “mdp” provides a convenient and flexible solution for creating presentations from Markdown files. Its simplicity, customization options, and integration with Markdown workflows make it a valuable tool for individuals and teams who prefer Markdown-based content creation and presentation authoring.

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