lsof : Most commonly used examples

The lsof command lists open files, sockets, and pipes. You can use lsof command to see what files are held open (such as libraries or log files) and what ports daemons listen to. You can search for open files using lsof command. lsof should be run as the superuser (root) to see all open files. When used without any arguments/options lsof lists all open files for the current active processes.

# lsof
COMMAND     PID   USER   FD      TYPE             DEVICE    SIZE/OFF       NODE NAME
init          1   root  cwd       DIR              253,0        4096          2 /
init          1   root  rtd       DIR              253,0        4096          2 /
init          1   root  txt       REG              253,0      150352    4587561 /sbin/init (deleted)
init          1   root  DEL       REG              253,0                4849693 /lib64/

Understanding output of “lsof” command:

COMMAND: Command using the file.
PID: PID of the file
USER: Owner of the file
FD: File descriptor. Different flags of File descriptor are as below:

#    :  The number in front of flag(s) is the file descriptor number used by the process to associate with the file
u    :  File open with Read and Write permission
r    :  File open with Read permission
w    :  File open with Write permission
W    :  File open with Write permission and with Write Lock on entire file
mem  :   Memory mapped file, usually for shared library

TYPE: File type. Different flags of File type are as below:
REG - Regular file
DIR - Directory

DEVICE: major, minor number of the device where file resides.
SIZE/OFF: File size
NODE: inode number
NAME: File name

Find open files under a mount point

Open files under a particular directory can be found using lsof. For example open a text file (do not close it – keep it open) under a directory for editing using vi and check the lsof output under that directory in another session.

# cd /test
# vi a.txt

In another session check for lsof output under that directory:

# lsof /test
bash    2972 root  cwd    DIR  253,0     4096 262145 /test
vi      3012 root  cwd    DIR  253,0     4096 262145 /test

This can also be used to umount the busy mount point. Processes keeping the mount point busy can be found using lsof.

Finding info on particular process

For more information about a particular process, use the -p option to lsof:

# lsof -p 8797

Show Listen Addresses

Daemons may either bind to the global IPv4 address, or to specific addresses, such as (localhost). A daemon bound to the localhost address will only be reachable from the system itself. Use the -i and -nP options to lsof to show listening ports without lookups on hostnames and services. For example, the following shows the Apache httpd daemon running on localhost at the non-standard port of 7777. Other systems will not be able to connect to this httpd processes: good for security, bad for remote connectivity.


# lsof -i -nP | grep httpd
httpd 8616 apache 16u IPv4 0x0455567fh 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
httpd 8614 apache 16u IPv4 0x0455567fh 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
httpd 8623 apache 16u IPv4 0x0455567fh 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)

In contrast, the following OpenSSH sshd process will accept connections from other systems, as it is bound to the address, as indicated by the * preceeding the port number.

# lsof -i -P | grep sshd
sshd 4341 root 3u IPv4 46438 TCP *:22 (LISTEN)

Certain applications listen on many different ports, such as the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon (BIND) named daemon, version 9.


# lsof -i -nP | grep ^named
named 9865 named 5u IPv6 0x03348be0 0t0 UDP *:53
named 9865 named 6u IPv6 0x0566re80 0t0 TCP *:53 (LISTEN)
named 9865 named 7u IPv4 0x03456b10 0t0 UDP
named 9865 named 8u IPv4 0x01870570 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
named 9865 named 9u IPv4 0x03456a40 0t0 UDP *:49164
named 9865 named 10u IPv6 0x03456970 0t0 UDP *:49165
named 8888 named 11u IPv4 0x0186fd54 0t0 TCP *:953 (LISTEN)
named 8888 named 13u IPv4 0x01387ee0 0t0 UDP 168.1.863.1:67
named 8888 named 14u IPv4 0x099899ce4 0t0 TCP 168.1.863.1:67(LISTEN)

Find files opened by a process

A process may not work for other reasons, such as a firewall, access service control like tcp_wrappers, or some other misconfiguration. Use ping, telnet, or nmap to check from a remote system whether something else may be blocking the request, or run tcpdump to see whether connections leave the source or arrive at the target system.

To see what files are opened by processes whose names starts by “t” (telnetd…) and bash. And to see what files are opened by init use the following commands:

# lsof -c t
# lsof -c bash
# lsof -c init

To see what files are opened by processes whose names starts by “testuser”, but exclude those whose owner is the user “tom” use the following command:

# lsof -c testuser -u ^tom

Find processes opened by users

To see what processes are opened by users myuser and tom, use the following command:

# lsof -u myuser,tom

Finding port used by process

To see what processes are using a particular port use the following command:

# lsof -i TCP:389

How To Find The Number Of Open Files for a Process Name and process pid sorted by number of open files?

This can be interesting when error “too many open files” come up. Use below script which makes use of lsof command:

# lsof | perl -lane '$x{"$F[0]:$F[1]"}++;END { print "$x{$_}\t$_" for sort {$x{$a}$x{$b}} keys %x}'

Find Processes Using Max File Descriptors

File descriptors limits can be set using the following command for a shell:

# ulimit -n 65536

Use the “lsof” command to find what is using the file descriptiors on the system.

# lsof -g | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u > /tmp/lsof_sort.txt
# for var in `cat /tmp/lsof_sort.txt` 
 echo `echo "$var ---- "``grep -x $var /tmp/lsof.txt | wc -l` 

This will list all the processes and the corresponding number of files opened by them. You can pick the processes which have the most number of files open and see what are they.

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