lsattr Command Examples in Linux

The lsattr command is used to list the attributes of a file or directory. The below table describes some of the options of the lsattr command.

Option Used To
-R Recursively list attributes of directories and their contents
-a List all files in a directory
-d List directories like files, instead of their contents
-v List version number of files


The syntax of the lsattr command is:

# lsattr [options] {file/ directory names}

Listing the attributes of a file.

lsattr Command Examples

1. To Recursively list attributes of directories and their contents:

# lsattr -R 

2. To display the program version:

# lsattr -V 

3. To list all files in directories, including files that start with “.”:

# lsattr -a 

4. To list directories like other files, rather than listing their contents:

# lsattr -d 

5. To List the files version/generation number:

# lsattr -v 
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