loc Command Examples

loc is a command-line utility developed in Rust that serves the purpose of accurately counting lines of code within source files. It is designed to provide developers with insights into the size and complexity of codebases, aiding in project management, code reviews, and analysis of software projects.

Key features and functionalities of loc include:

  • Line Counting: loc scans source code files within a given directory or project and counts the total number of lines, including code lines, comment lines, and blank lines. This comprehensive line count helps developers understand the overall size and structure of their codebase.
  • Support for Multiple Languages: loc supports a wide range of programming languages, including popular languages like C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and many others. It accurately detects and counts lines of code in files written in different programming languages, making it suitable for diverse software projects.
  • Flexible Configuration: loc provides options for customizing its behavior and output format according to the user’s preferences. Users can specify which file extensions to include or exclude from the line count, control the verbosity of the output, and configure other parameters to tailor the tool to their specific needs.
  • Detailed Reporting: loc generates detailed reports that summarize the line counts for each file type and programming language detected in the project. The report typically includes statistics such as the total number of lines, code lines, comment lines, blank lines, and the distribution of lines across different file types.
  • Integration with Build Systems: loc can be easily integrated into build systems, development workflows, and automation scripts, allowing developers to incorporate line counting into their existing toolchains. This integration ensures that line counting is performed consistently and automatically as part of the software development process.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: loc is developed in Rust, a language known for its performance, reliability, and cross-platform compatibility. As a result, loc can run on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, ensuring that developers can use it regardless of their preferred development environment.
  • Actively Maintained and Open Source: loc is an open-source project hosted on GitHub, where it benefits from active development, contributions from the community, and ongoing maintenance. This ensures that loc remains up-to-date with the latest programming languages, features, and best practices in line counting.
  • Documentation and Resources: loc provides comprehensive documentation, usage examples, and resources to help users get started and make the most of the tool. Users can refer to the project’s GitHub repository for information on installation, usage, command-line options, and troubleshooting.

loc Command Examples

1. Print lines of code in the current directory:

# loc

2. Print lines of code in the target directory:

# loc [path/to/directory]

3. Print lines of code with stats for individual files:

# loc --files

4. Print lines of code without .gitignore (etc.) files (e.g. two -u flags will additionally count hidden files and dirs):

# loc -u


In summary, loc is a versatile and reliable tool for accurately counting lines of code in software projects. With its support for multiple languages, flexible configuration options, detailed reporting, integration capabilities, cross-platform compatibility, and active development community, loc is an essential tool for developers seeking to understand and manage the size and complexity of their codebases effectively.

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