ln: command not found

The ln command is used to create a link to a file. Linking enables a file name in one directory (the link) to point to a file in another directory (the target). A link does not contain data of its own, only a reference to the target file. Any changes to the link will reflect in the target file. If you don’t specify the link name, the ln command will create the link in your current working directory.


The syntax of the ln command is:

# ln [options] {target name} [link name]

ln Command Options

The ln command has various options. Some of the frequently used options are given in the following table.

Option Used To
–backup Back up existing destination files.
-f Remove existing destination files.
-s Make symbolic links instead of hard links. -i Prompt to remove destination files.
-v Print the name of a file before linking.

Examples of links

The following is an example of creating a hard link using the ln command, where / backup/backup-report is the target of the link, and ~/backup-report is the link itself:

$ ln /backup/backup-report ~/backup-report

The following is an example of the same, but creating a symbolic link instead of a hard link:

$ ln -s /backup/backup-report ~/backup-report

If you enconter the below error while running the ln command:

ln: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
OS X brew install coreutils
Debian apt-get install coreutils
Ubuntu apt-get install coreutils
Alpine apk add coreutils
Arch Linux pacman -S coreutils
Kali Linux apt-get install coreutils
CentOS yum install coreutils
Fedora dnf install coreutils
Raspbian apt-get install coreutils

ln Command Examples

1. To create a link of an existing file:

# ln file.txt file.ln 

2. To create an soft link for the existing file:

# ln -s file.txt file.ln 

3. To make a backup of each destination file:

# ln --backup file.txt file.bk 

4. To allow super user to attempt to create hard linked directories:

# ln -d 

5. To create the links with removing the existing destination files:

# ln -f
# ln --force

6. To prompt whether to remove the destination file:

# ln -i
# ln --interactive 

7. To make hard links to symbolic link references:

# ln -L
# ln --logical 

8. To treat the destination symlink directory as file:

# ln -n
# ln --no-dereference 

9. To make hard links directly to symbolic links:

# ln -P
# ln --physical 

10. To make symbolic links instead of hard links:

# ln -s 

11. To override the usual backup suffix:

# ln -S
# ln --suffix=SUFFIX 

12. To specify the directory to which the directory should be created:

# ln -t
# ln --target-directory=DIRECTORY 

13. To treat the link name as normal file:

# ln -T
# ln --no-target-directory 

14. To print the name of each linked file:

# ln -v
# ln --verbose 

15. To get the help for ln:

# ln --help

16. To get the version info:

# ln --version 
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