lebab Command Examples

“Lebab” is a JavaScript modernizer tool designed to facilitate the process of transpiling code written in older JavaScript versions to newer ES6/ES7 standards. JavaScript, being a dynamically-typed language, undergoes frequent updates to introduce new features, syntax enhancements, and coding conventions aimed at improving readability, maintainability, and performance of codebases.

Key features and functionalities of Lebab include:

  • Transpilation of JavaScript Code: Lebab transpiles JavaScript code written in older versions, such as ES5, to newer ES6/ES7 standards. It automatically transforms code to use modern syntax, language features, and APIs introduced in newer JavaScript versions, making it compatible with modern JavaScript environments and toolchains.
  • Support for ES6/ES7 Features: Lebab supports a wide range of ES6/ES7 features and transformations, including arrow functions, template literals, destructuring assignments, classes, modules, and more. By leveraging Lebab, developers can modernize their codebases and take advantage of the latest JavaScript language enhancements.
  • Customizable Transformations: Lebab provides options to customize the transpilation process by specifying which transformations to apply to the code. This allows developers to tailor the transformation pipeline according to their specific requirements and preferences, ensuring that only desired transformations are applied to the codebase.
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI): Lebab offers a command-line interface that enables developers to transpile JavaScript code using simple commands. This facilitates integration with build systems, task runners, and continuous integration pipelines, allowing for seamless automation of the code modernization process.
  • Integration with Build Tools and Editors: Lebab can be integrated with popular build tools, such as webpack, Babel, and Grunt, as well as code editors like Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text. Integration with these tools enables developers to incorporate Lebab into their existing workflows and leverage its modernization capabilities as part of their development process.
  • Active Community and Development: Lebab is actively maintained and supported by a vibrant open-source community. Regular updates, bug fixes, and enhancements are released to ensure compatibility with the latest JavaScript specifications and address user feedback and feature requests.

lebab Command Examples

1. Display a list of the available transformations:

# lebab --help

2. Transpile using one or more comma-separated transformations:

# lebab --transform [transformation]

3. Transpile a file to stdout:

# lebab [path/to/input_file]

4. Transpile a file to the specified output file:

# lebab [path/to/input_file] --out-file [path/to/output_file]

5. Replace all .js files in-place in the specified directory, glob or file:

# lebab --replace [directory|glob|file]


Overall, Lebab serves as a valuable tool for modernizing JavaScript codebases, enabling developers to adopt best practices, adhere to coding standards, and leverage the latest language features and capabilities introduced in newer JavaScript versions. By automating the process of code modernization, Lebab empowers developers to maintain clean, efficient, and future-proof JavaScript projects with ease.

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