laravel Command Examples

Laravel is a prominent PHP web framework renowned for its elegant syntax, developer-friendly features, and comprehensive ecosystem. It simplifies the process of building web applications by providing a rich set of tools and conventions for handling common tasks such as routing, authentication, database management, and more.

The “laravel” command-line installer serves as the primary tool for setting up new Laravel projects. By using the “laravel” command, developers can quickly initiate a new Laravel project with a predefined directory structure and configuration. This installer streamlines the initial setup process, enabling developers to focus on writing code rather than configuring project settings from scratch.

Key features and aspects of Laravel and its command-line installer include:

  • Project Initialization: The “laravel” command simplifies the process of creating a new Laravel project. Developers can use this command to generate a new project directory with all the necessary files and folders, including configuration files, application logic, and public assets.
  • Dependency Management: Laravel utilizes Composer, a popular PHP dependency manager, for managing project dependencies. The “laravel” command automatically installs Laravel and its required dependencies, ensuring that the project is ready to use out of the box.
  • Configuration and Environment: Laravel provides a configuration system that allows developers to customize various aspects of their applications, such as database connections, caching settings, and application behavior. The “laravel” command initializes default configuration files, making it easy for developers to customize these settings according to their requirements.
  • Development Server: Laravel includes a built-in development server that allows developers to run their applications locally during the development process. The “laravel” command can be used to start the development server, providing a convenient way to test applications and iterate on code changes.
  • Integration with Laravel Ecosystem: Laravel boasts a vibrant ecosystem with a wide range of official and community-driven packages, tools, and resources. The “laravel” command facilitates integration with this ecosystem by providing commands for installing additional packages, generating code scaffolds, and performing other common tasks.

laravel Command Examples

1. Create a new Laravel application:

# laravel new [name]

2. Use the latest development release:

# laravel new [name] --dev

3. Overwrite if the directory already exists:

# laravel new [name] --force

4. Install the Laravel Jetstream scaffolding:

# laravel new [name] --jet

5. Install the Laravel Jetstream scaffolding with a specific stack:

# laravel new [name] --jet --stack [livewire|inertia]


6. Install the Laravel Jetstream scaffolding with support for teams:

# laravel new [name] --jet --teams

7. List the available installer commands:

# laravel list


Overall, the “laravel” command-line installer plays a crucial role in the Laravel development workflow, enabling developers to quickly create new projects and leverage the full power of the Laravel framework to build modern web applications efficiently.

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