kustomize Command Examples

Kustomize is a powerful tool used to manage Kubernetes manifests and customize configurations for deploying resources within Kubernetes clusters. In the Kubernetes ecosystem, managing configurations for deploying applications and services can become complex, especially when dealing with multiple environments or making variations for different use cases. Kustomize simplifies this process by providing a declarative approach to defining and customizing Kubernetes resources.

At its core, Kustomize operates by allowing users to define base configurations for their Kubernetes resources, which serve as templates. These base configurations can include common settings, such as labels, annotations, and environment variables, shared across different environments or deployments. Additionally, Kustomize enables users to specify overlays, which are sets of modifications applied on top of the base configurations to create customized deployments.

One of the key features of Kustomize is its ability to handle configuration inheritance and composition. Users can define a hierarchy of overlays, with each overlay building upon the configurations defined in the preceding layers. This hierarchical approach simplifies the management of complex configurations and promotes code reusability by avoiding duplication of settings across different environments.

Kustomize also supports parameterization, allowing users to define variables within their configurations and dynamically substitute values during deployment. This feature enables users to create flexible and reusable configurations that can adapt to different deployment scenarios without the need for manual editing.

Furthermore, Kustomize integrates seamlessly with other tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem, such as kubectl, enabling users to apply customized configurations directly to Kubernetes clusters using familiar workflows.

The utility is open-source and can be found on GitHub, where users can access its source code, documentation, and contribute to its development. This open nature fosters community collaboration and allows for continuous improvement and refinement of the tool’s features based on user feedback and contributions.

kustomize Command Examples

1. Create kustomization file with resources and namespace:

# kustomize create --resources [deployment.yaml,service.yaml] --namespace [staging]

2. Build kustomization file and deploy it with kubectl:

# kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -

3. Set an image in the kustomization file:

# kustomize edit set image [busybox=alpine:3.6]

4. Search for Kubernetes resources in the current directory to be added to the kustomization file:

# kustomize create --autodetect


Overall, Kustomize provides a streamlined and flexible approach to managing Kubernetes configurations, making it easier for developers, system administrators, and DevOps teams to deploy and manage applications and services within Kubernetes clusters. By simplifying the configuration management process, Kustomize helps improve productivity, reduce errors, and enhance the overall reliability of Kubernetes deployments.

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