kubectl Command Examples

kubectl is the command-line interface (CLI) tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters. It serves as the primary means for administrators, developers, and users to manage, deploy, and troubleshoot applications and resources within a Kubernetes environment.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of kubectl and its features:

  • Cluster Management: The primary purpose of kubectl is to manage Kubernetes clusters. Users can use kubectl to perform various cluster management tasks, such as creating, updating, and deleting resources like pods, services, deployments, and replica sets.
  • Resource Operations: kubectl provides commands for performing operations on Kubernetes resources. Users can use kubectl to retrieve information about resources, inspect their configuration, view logs, scale deployments, apply configuration changes, and more.
  • Namespace Management: Kubernetes supports the concept of namespaces, which are virtual clusters within a physical cluster. kubectl allows users to manage namespaces, switch between namespaces, and execute commands within specific namespaces, enabling multi-tenancy and resource isolation.
  • Configuration: kubectl supports configuration management, allowing users to define and manage contexts, clusters, and users. This enables users to interact with multiple Kubernetes clusters and authentication mechanisms seamlessly from a single CLI interface.
  • Plugin System: kubectl features a plugin system that allows users to extend its functionality with custom commands and features. Users can develop and install plugins to add new capabilities to kubectl, enhancing its usability and versatility for specific use cases and workflows.
  • Documentation and Resources: More information about kubectl, including usage instructions, command reference, best practices, and tutorials, can be found in the official Kubernetes documentation (https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/). The documentation provides comprehensive guidance on using kubectl effectively and leveraging its features to manage Kubernetes clusters and resources.

kubectl Command Examples

1. List information about a resource with more details:

# kubectl get [pod|service|deployment|ingress|...] -o wide

2. Update specified pod with the label ‘unhealthy’ and the value ‘true’:

# kubectl label pods [name] unhealthy=true

3. List all resources with different types:

# kubectl get all

4. Display resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage of nodes or pods:

# kubectl top [pod|node]

5. Print the address of the master and cluster services:

# kubectl cluster-info

6. Display an explanation of a specific field:

# kubectl explain [pods.spec.containers]

7. Print the logs for a container in a pod or specified resource:

# kubectl logs [pod_name]

8. Run command in an existing pod:

# kubectl exec [pod_name] -- [ls /]


Overall, kubectl is a powerful and essential tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. It provides users with a unified and intuitive CLI interface for managing Kubernetes resources, executing commands, and performing cluster operations, helping to streamline the deployment, management, and operations of containerized applications within Kubernetes environments.

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