keychain Command Examples

Keychain is a utility designed to manage and share SSH-agent and/or GPG-agent credentials across multiple login sessions. These agents are responsible for securely storing and managing cryptographic keys used for authentication and encryption purposes. By reusing these agents between logins, Keychain simplifies the process of managing authentication credentials and enhances user convenience.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of its functionalities:

  • SSH-agent and GPG-agent Integration: Keychain integrates with both SSH-agent and GPG-agent, which are standard components for managing SSH (Secure Shell) and GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) keys, respectively. SSH keys are used for secure remote access and file transfer, while GPG keys are used for encryption, digital signatures, and secure communication.
  • Credential Persistence: When a user logs in, Keychain automatically starts the SSH-agent and/or GPG-agent processes and loads any previously stored credentials into memory. This allows users to seamlessly authenticate with remote servers or encrypt/decrypt files without repeatedly entering passwords or passphrase.
  • Agent Sharing Across Sessions: Keychain ensures that the SSH-agent and/or GPG-agent instances remain active and accessible across different login sessions. This means that users do not need to re-authenticate for each new session, providing a smoother and more efficient workflow, especially for frequent SSH or GPG operations.
  • Integration with Login Scripts: Keychain can be integrated into login scripts or shell initialization files (such as .bashrc or .bash_profile) to automatically set up and manage agent processes whenever a user logs in. This simplifies the setup process and ensures that agents are properly initialized for each session.

keychain Command Examples

1. Check for a running ssh-agent, and start one if needed:

# keychain

2. Also check for gpg-agent:

# keychain --agents "[gpg,ssh]"

3. List signatures of all active keys:

# keychain --list

4. List fingerprints of all active keys:

# keychain --list-fp

5. Add a timeout for identities added to the agent, in minutes:

# keychain --timeout [minutes]


Overall, Keychain enhances the usability and security of SSH and GPG operations by simplifying the management of authentication credentials across multiple login sessions. It is particularly useful for users who frequently access remote servers or encrypt/decrypt files using SSH or GPG, as it streamlines the authentication process and reduces the need for manual intervention.

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