kcadm.sh Command Examples

“kcadm.sh” is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to perform administration tasks for Keycloak, an open-source identity and access management solution. Keycloak allows organizations to secure their applications by providing features such as user authentication, authorization, and identity federation. The “kcadm.sh” CLI tool provides administrators with a convenient way to interact with the Keycloak server and perform administrative tasks directly from the command line.

Here’s a detailed explanation of “kcadm.sh” and its key features:

  • Administration Tasks: “kcadm.sh” enables administrators to perform various administration tasks for Keycloak without relying on the graphical user interface (GUI). These tasks include managing realms, users, roles, clients, and other configuration settings.
  • CLI Interface: “kcadm.sh” is a command-line tool that operates through a terminal or command prompt interface. Users can execute commands by typing them directly into the command line, allowing for quick and efficient interaction with the Keycloak server.
  • Scripting and Automation: “kcadm.sh” supports scripting and automation, making it easy to perform repetitive or batch tasks. Administrators can write shell scripts or batch files containing multiple “kcadm.sh” commands to automate complex administrative workflows.
  • Secure Communication: “kcadm.sh” communicates with the Keycloak server over HTTP or HTTPS protocols, using secure authentication mechanisms such as username/password authentication or client credentials. This ensures that administrative tasks are performed securely, protecting sensitive data and configurations.
  • API Integration: “kcadm.sh” interacts with the Keycloak server using its RESTful administration API. This API allows administrators to programmatically manage Keycloak resources, making it possible to integrate Keycloak administration tasks into custom applications or workflows.
  • Documentation and Resources: Keycloak provides comprehensive documentation and guides for using the “kcadm.sh” CLI tool. The documentation covers topics such as installation, usage, command syntax, and examples of common administrative tasks. This resource helps administrators learn how to use “kcadm.sh” effectively and efficiently.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: “kcadm.sh” is designed to be cross-platform and can run on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures that administrators can manage Keycloak installations from their preferred operating environment.
  • Community Support: Keycloak has an active community of users and contributors who provide support, share best practices, and contribute to the development of the “kcadm.sh” CLI tool. Users can seek help, ask questions, and participate in discussions on forums, mailing lists, and other community channels.

kcadm.sh Command Examples

1. Start an authenticated session:

# kcadm.sh config credentials --server [host] --realm [realm_name] --user [username] --password [password]

2. Create a user:

# kcadm.sh create users -s username=[username] -r [realm_name]

3. List all realms:

# kcadm.sh get realms

4. Update a realm with JSON config:

# kcadm.sh update realms/[realm_name] -f [path/to/file.json]


Overall, “kcadm.sh” is a powerful and versatile tool for managing Keycloak installations from the command line. Whether performing routine administration tasks, automating workflows, or integrating with other systems, “kcadm.sh” provides administrators with the flexibility and control they need to effectively manage Keycloak environments.

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