jstack Command Examples

“jstack” is a command-line tool provided by the Java Development Kit (JDK) that is used for collecting Java thread stack traces from a running Java Virtual Machine (JVM) process. When a Java application encounters issues such as deadlock, high CPU usage, or unresponsiveness, “jstack” can be a valuable tool for diagnosing and troubleshooting the problem by providing insights into the state of the Java threads within the JVM. Here’s a more detailed explanation of its features and functionalities:

  • Thread Stack Trace Collection: The primary function of “jstack” is to collect stack traces of all Java threads running within a specified JVM process. It retrieves information about each thread’s current execution state, including the sequence of method calls and the stack frames associated with each thread.
  • Diagnosis of Deadlocks: “jstack” is commonly used to diagnose deadlock situations in Java applications. Deadlock occurs when two or more threads are blocked indefinitely, waiting for each other to release resources. By analyzing the stack traces collected by “jstack,” developers can identify the threads involved in the deadlock and understand the sequence of locks and synchronization operations that led to the deadlock condition.
  • Identification of CPU-intensive Threads: High CPU usage in a Java application can be caused by one or more threads consuming excessive CPU time. “jstack” can help identify CPU-intensive threads by providing stack traces that reveal which methods and code paths are being executed most frequently. This information is valuable for optimizing performance and identifying potential bottlenecks in the application.
  • Detection of Thread Starvation: Thread starvation occurs when one or more threads in a Java application are unable to make progress due to resource contention or scheduling issues. “jstack” can be used to detect thread starvation by analyzing the stack traces of blocked or waiting threads and identifying the reasons for their inactivity.
  • Integration with Monitoring Tools: “jstack” can be integrated with other monitoring and diagnostic tools for comprehensive JVM analysis. For example, it can be combined with tools such as JVisualVM, Java Mission Control, or third-party monitoring solutions to provide deeper insights into JVM performance and behavior.
  • Remote Thread Stack Tracing: In addition to collecting stack traces from a local JVM process, “jstack” can also be used to collect stack traces from a remote JVM process running on a different machine. This feature allows developers to diagnose issues in distributed or remote Java applications without direct access to the JVM instance.
  • Documentation and Resources: “jstack” is documented as part of the JDK documentation, providing detailed information on its usage, command-line options, and output format. Additionally, there are online tutorials, guides, and forums where developers can learn how to effectively use “jstack” for troubleshooting and diagnosing Java application issues.

jstack Command Examples

1. Print Java stack traces for all threads in a Java process:

# jstack [java_pid]

2. Print mixed mode (Java/C++) stack traces for all threads in a Java process:

# jstack -m [java_pid]

3. Print stack traces from Java core dump:

# jstack [/usr/bin/java] [file.core]


In summary, “jstack” is a valuable tool for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues related to thread execution and performance in Java applications. Its ability to collect and analyze Java thread stack traces provides developers with essential insights into the state and behavior of the JVM, helping them identify and resolve issues that impact application reliability and performance.

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