jigsaw Command Examples

“Jigsaw” is a static site generator built on top of the Laravel framework for PHP. It simplifies the process of creating static websites by providing a set of tools and conventions tailored specifically for PHP developers. Here’s a more detailed explanation of Jigsaw and its functionalities:

  • Static Site Generation: Jigsaw generates static websites, which means that the website’s content is pre-built into HTML files that can be served directly by a web server without the need for server-side processing. This results in faster loading times and improved security compared to dynamic websites.
  • Laravel Integration: Jigsaw leverages the Laravel framework, a popular PHP framework known for its elegant syntax and powerful features. By building on top of Laravel, Jigsaw inherits many of its functionalities and conventions, making it familiar and comfortable for Laravel developers to use.
  • Blade Templating Engine: Jigsaw uses the Blade templating engine, which is the default templating engine in Laravel. Blade provides a simple and expressive syntax for creating templates, allowing developers to build reusable components and layouts for their static websites.
  • Markdown Support: Jigsaw allows developers to write content using Markdown, a lightweight markup language that is easy to write and read. Markdown files are converted into HTML during the build process, making it easy to create and manage content for static websites.
  • Asset Compilation: Jigsaw includes support for compiling and optimizing assets such as CSS, JavaScript, and images. Developers can use preprocessors like Sass or Less for styling, and bundlers like Webpack for JavaScript, ensuring efficient asset delivery and improved performance.
  • Flexible Configuration: Jigsaw provides a simple and flexible configuration system that allows developers to customize various aspects of their static websites. Configuration options include site metadata, asset paths, environment settings, and more, providing fine-grained control over the build process.
  • Local Development Server: Jigsaw includes a built-in development server that allows developers to preview their static websites locally before deploying them to a production server. This provides a convenient and efficient way to iterate on website changes and ensure everything looks and functions as expected.
  • Deployment Options: Once the static website is built, developers can deploy it to various hosting platforms, including traditional web servers, static site hosts like Netlify or Vercel, or content delivery networks (CDNs) such as Cloudflare. Jigsaw generates optimized HTML files that are easy to deploy and serve efficiently.
  • Active Community and Support: Jigsaw benefits from an active community of developers who contribute to its development, provide support, and share resources. The Jigsaw website offers documentation, tutorials, and guides to help developers get started and make the most of the platform.

jigsaw Command Examples

1. Initialize a project:

# jigsaw init

2. Initialize a project using a starter template:

# jigsaw init [template_name]

3. Build the site for development:

# jigsaw build

4. Preview the site from the “build_local” directory:

# jigsaw serve

5. Build the site for production:

# jigsaw build production

6. Preview the site from the “build_production” directory:

# jigsaw serve [build_production]


In summary, Jigsaw is a versatile and powerful static site generator for PHP developers, offering features such as Laravel integration, Blade templating, Markdown support, asset compilation, flexible configuration, local development server, and deployment options. It provides a modern and efficient workflow for building static websites, enabling developers to create high-quality websites quickly and easily.

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