jello Command Examples

“jello” is a command-line tool designed for processing JSON data using Python syntax. It allows users to manipulate and work with JSON data in a convenient and familiar way, leveraging Python’s syntax and capabilities. Here’s a more detailed explanation of its functionalities:

  • JSON Processing: “jello” enables users to perform various operations on JSON data, such as querying, filtering, transforming, and formatting. Users can manipulate JSON objects, arrays, and values using Python-like syntax, making it intuitive for those familiar with Python programming.
  • Command-Line Interface: “jello” is designed to be used from the command line, allowing users to interact with JSON data directly in their terminal or command prompt. This makes it convenient for quick data processing tasks and automation scripts.
  • Python Syntax: The syntax used in “jello” closely resembles Python syntax, making it easy for Python developers to transition to using “jello” for JSON processing tasks. Users can write expressions and commands in a familiar way, leveraging their existing knowledge of Python.
  • Querying and Filtering: “jello” provides features for querying and filtering JSON data based on specific criteria. Users can select or extract data from JSON objects and arrays using conditional expressions, allowing them to focus on the data they need.
  • Transformation: “jello” allows users to transform JSON data by applying operations such as mapping, reducing, and flattening. Users can manipulate the structure of JSON data to meet their requirements, whether it involves restructuring nested objects, aggregating values, or performing other transformations.
  • Formatting and Output: “jello” supports formatting JSON data in various ways, including pretty-printing, compact output, and customized formatting options. Users can control the appearance of the output to suit their preferences or integrate it with other tools and workflows.
  • Integration and Extensibility: “jello” can be easily integrated into existing workflows and scripts, thanks to its command-line interface and Python syntax. Additionally, users can extend the functionality of “jello” by writing custom scripts or plugins using Python, allowing for further customization and automation.
  • Open Source: “jello” is an open-source project hosted on GitHub, which means users can access the source code, contribute enhancements or fixes, and collaborate with the community. This open development model fosters transparency, innovation, and community-driven improvement of the tool.

jello Command Examples

1. Pretty-print JSON or JSON-Lines data from stdin to stdout:

# cat [file.json] | jello

2. Output a schema of JSON or JSON Lines data from stdin to stdout (useful for grep):

# cat [file.json] | jello -s

3. Output all elements from arrays (or all the values from objects) in JSON or JSON- Lines data from stdin to stdout:

# cat [file.json] | jello -l

4. Output the first element in JSON or JSON-Lines data from stdin to stdout:

# cat [file.json] | jello _[0]

5. Output the value of a given key of each element in JSON or JSON-Lines data from stdin to stdout:

# cat [file.json] | jello '[i.[key_name] for i in _]'

6. Output the value of multiple keys as a new JSON object (assuming the input JSON has the keys key_name and other_key_name):

# cat [file.json] | jello '{"[my_new_key]": _.[key_name], "[my_other_key]": _.[other_key_name]}'

7. Output the value of a given key to a string (and disable JSON output):

# cat [file.json] | jello -r '"[some text]: " + _.[key_name]'


Overall, “jello” provides a flexible and powerful solution for processing JSON data using Python syntax. Its command-line interface, Python-like syntax, and rich feature set make it a valuable tool for developers, data analysts, and anyone working with JSON data.

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