Is there a CSS parent selector

No, there is currently no CSS parent selector. While CSS has a wide range of selectors for targeting specific elements or groups of elements based on their properties, attributes, and positions in the document tree, there is no selector that allows you to select an element based on the properties of its parent element.

However, there are workarounds to achieve similar effects using CSS. For example, you can use CSS combinators such as the descendant selector ( ) or the adjacent sibling selector (+) to target an element based on its relationship to a parent element. You can also use JavaScript or jQuery to add and remove classes based on the properties of parent elements, and then use CSS to style elements based on those classes.

That being said, the lack of a parent selector in CSS is a common source of frustration for developers and designers, and there have been proposals to add such a selector to CSS in the past. However, implementing a parent selector in CSS could potentially have performance implications, and there are currently no plans to add one to the language.

CSS selectors allow you to select elements based on their tag name, class, and id, as well as their attributes and their relationship to other elements in the DOM (Document Object Model). However, there is no way to select an element based solely on its relationship to its parent element.

You can select an element based on it’s relationship to other elements, using CSS combinator selector. CSS combinator selectors allow you to select elements based on their relationship to other elements. Here are some examples:

element > element - Selects all direct children of the first element
element + element - Selects the element that is immediately preceded by the first element
element ~ element - Selects all siblings of the first element that come after it

You can also use the :parent pseudo-class, which matches an element that has one or more child elements.

:parent {
  /* styles */}

However, it is not widely supported in most of the browsers. Alternatively, You can use JavaScript or jQuery to achieve this. With JavaScript, you can use the parentNode property to select the parent of an element and apply styles to it. For example:

const element = document.querySelector("#example-element");
const parent = element.parentNode; = "red";

With jQuery, you can use the parent() method to select the parent of an element and apply styles to it. For example:

$("#example-element").parent().css("color", "red");
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