id3tag Command Examples

“id3tag” is a command-line tool used for reading, writing, and manipulating metadata tags within MP3 audio files. These metadata tags, known as ID3 tags, contain information such as the title, artist, album, genre, and track number of the audio content. “id3tag” provides users with the ability to view, edit, and modify these tags directly from the command line. Here are some key aspects and functionalities of “id3tag”:

  • Metadata Tag Support: “id3tag” supports both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag formats, which are the two most commonly used standards for storing metadata within MP3 files. ID3v1 tags are limited in size and scope, while ID3v2 tags offer more extensive metadata capabilities and flexibility.
  • Reading Tags: With “id3tag,” users can read the existing metadata tags from MP3 files, allowing them to view information such as the title, artist, album, and other relevant details associated with the audio content.
  • Writing Tags: “id3tag” enables users to write or modify metadata tags within MP3 files, allowing them to update information such as the title, artist, album, and other metadata fields as needed. This functionality is useful for organizing and managing audio files effectively.
  • Manipulating Tags: In addition to reading and writing tags, “id3tag” provides various options for manipulating tags, such as copying tags from one file to another, removing tags altogether, or converting between different tag versions (e.g., ID3v1 to ID3v2).
  • Batch Processing: “id3tag” supports batch processing, allowing users to perform tag operations on multiple MP3 files simultaneously. This is particularly useful when managing large collections of audio files that require consistent metadata tagging.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: “id3tag” is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, making it accessible to users across different platforms.
  • Documentation and Resources: Users can refer to the manual pages or online documentation for “id3tag” to learn about its usage, command syntax, available options, and examples. Additionally, online forums, communities, and tutorials may provide additional support and guidance for users.

id3tag Command Examples

1. Set artist and title tag of an MP3 file:

# id3tag --artist=[artist] --title=[title] [path/to/file.mp3]

2. Set album title of all MP3 files in the current directory:

# id3tag --album=[album] [*.mp3]

3. Get more help:

# id3tag --help


Overall, “id3tag” is a versatile and essential tool for managing metadata tags within MP3 audio files. Its command-line interface and support for both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag formats make it a valuable resource for users who need to organize, update, and maintain metadata information associated with their MP3 collections.

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