hydra Command Example

“Hydra” is a powerful online password guessing tool used for performing brute-force attacks on various network protocols and services. It is designed to help security professionals and penetration testers assess the strength of passwords and identify potential vulnerabilities in systems. Here are some key features and aspects of Hydra:

  • Brute-Force Password Guessing: Hydra automates the process of guessing passwords by systematically trying different combinations of characters until the correct password is found. It supports various attack modes, including dictionary attacks, hybrid attacks, and incremental attacks, allowing users to tailor the attack method to the specific target.
  • Wide Protocol Support: Hydra supports a wide range of network protocols and services, including FTP (File Transfer Protocol), HTTP(S) (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol), SSH (Secure Shell), and more. This versatility allows users to target different types of systems and services during password guessing attacks.
  • Flexible Configuration: Hydra provides extensive options for configuring the attack parameters, such as specifying the target hostname or IP address, port number, username, password list, and attack mode. Users can customize the attack settings to optimize performance and increase the likelihood of success.
  • Parallelized Attack Execution: Hydra can execute multiple attack threads in parallel, significantly speeding up the password guessing process and increasing the chances of successfully cracking passwords within a reasonable timeframe. This parallelized execution makes Hydra suitable for attacking large datasets and complex password policies.
  • Logging and Reporting: Hydra logs the results of password guessing attempts, including successful and unsuccessful login attempts, as well as any errors encountered during the attack. This logging functionality allows users to analyze the results of the attack and identify patterns or trends in the password data.
  • Custom Module Support: Hydra supports custom module development, allowing users to extend its functionality by adding support for additional protocols or implementing custom attack methods. This flexibility enables users to adapt Hydra to their specific requirements and integrate it into custom security testing workflows.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Hydra is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures that users can run Hydra on their preferred platform and leverage its password guessing capabilities in their security assessments.
  • Open Source: Hydra is an open-source project hosted on GitHub, allowing users to view the source code, contribute improvements, report issues, and provide feedback. The open development model fosters community collaboration and ensures continuous improvement of the tool.

hydra Command Examples

1. Start Hydra’s wizard:

# hydra-wizard

2. Guess SSH credentials using a given username and a list of passwords:

# hydra -l [username] -P [path/to/wordlist.txt] [host_ip] [ssh]

3. Guess HTTPS webform credentials using two specific lists of usernames and passwords (“https_post_request” can be like “username=^USER^&password=^PASS^”):

# hydra -L [path/to/usernames.txt] -P [path/to/wordlist.txt] [host_ip] [https-post-form] "[url_without_host]:[https_post_request]:[login_failed_string]"

4. Guess FTP credentials using usernames and passwords lists, specifying the number of threads:

# hydra -L [path/to/usernames.txt] -P [path/to/wordlist.txt] -t [n_tasks] [host_ip] [ftp]

5. Guess MySQL credentials using a username and a passwords list, exiting when a username/password pair is found:

# hydra -l [username] -P [path/to/wordlist.txt] -f [host_ip] [mysql]

6. Guess RDP credentials using a username and a passwords list, showing each attempt:

# hydra -l [username] -P [path/to/wordlist.txt] -V [rdp://host_ip]

7. Guess IMAP credentials on a range of hosts using a list of colon-separated username/password pairs:

# hydra -C [path/to/username_password_pairs.txt] [imap://[host_range_cidr]]

8. Guess POP3 credentials on a list of hosts using usernames and passwords lists, exiting when a username/password pair is found:

# hydra -L [path/to/usernames.txt] -P [path/to/wordlist.txt] -M [path/to/hosts.txt] -F [pop3]


Overall, Hydra is a versatile and powerful tool for performing online password guessing attacks against a wide range of network protocols and services. Its flexible configuration options, parallelized attack execution, and wide protocol support make it a valuable asset for security professionals and penetration testers conducting security assessments and audits. However, it is important to note that Hydra should only be used in authorized security testing scenarios and with appropriate permissions. Unauthorized or malicious use of Hydra to perform password guessing attacks is illegal and unethical.

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