html5validator Command Examples

“html5validator” is a command-line tool designed for testing the validity of HTML5 code. HTML5 is the latest version of the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) standard used for creating web pages and applications. Ensuring that HTML code is valid according to the HTML5 specification is essential for maintaining web standards compliance, improving accessibility, and enhancing overall user experience. Here are some key features and aspects of “html5validator”:

  • HTML5 Validity Testing: The primary purpose of “html5validator” is to analyze HTML code and verify its compliance with the HTML5 specification. It checks for syntax errors, semantic issues, and adherence to HTML5 standards, helping developers identify and fix potential problems in their web pages.
  • Command-Line Interface: “html5validator” is operated entirely through commands typed into a terminal or command prompt window. This command-line interface provides a convenient and efficient way for developers to validate HTML code without needing to use a graphical user interface or specialized software.
  • Batch Processing: “html5validator” supports batch processing of HTML files, allowing developers to validate multiple files simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for testing large codebases or entire websites, as it enables automated validation of multiple HTML files with a single command.
  • Customization Options: “html5validator” provides various customization options for configuring the validation process. Users can specify parameters such as the HTML version to validate against, the level of strictness for validation checks, and additional options for fine-tuning the validation process according to their specific requirements.
  • Integration with Development Workflows: “html5validator” can be integrated into development workflows and build pipelines to automate the validation process. Developers can incorporate “html5validator” into their continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) workflows to ensure that HTML code remains valid and consistent throughout the development lifecycle.
  • Error Reporting: “html5validator” generates detailed error reports that highlight issues found during the validation process. These reports include information about the location of errors, descriptions of the problems identified, and suggestions for resolving them. This helps developers quickly identify and address HTML validation issues in their code.
  • Open Source and Community Support: “html5validator” is an open-source project hosted on GitHub, allowing users to view the source code, contribute improvements, report issues, and provide feedback. The project benefits from community contributions and collaboration, ensuring its continued development and maintenance.

html5validator Command Examples

1. Validate a specific file:

# html5validator [path/to/file]

2. Validate all HTML files in a specific directory:

# html5validator --root [path/to/directory]

3. Show warnings as well as errors:

# html5validator --show-warnings [path/to/file]

4. Match multiple files using a glob pattern:

# html5validator --root [path/to/directory] --match "[*.html *.php]"

5. Ignore specific directory names:

# html5validator --root [path/to/directory] --blacklist "[node_modules vendor]"

6. Output the results in a specific format:

# html5validator --format [gnu|xml|json|text] [path/to/file]

7. Output the log at a specific verbosity level:

# html5validator --root [path/to/directory] --log [debug|info|warning]


Overall, “html5validator” is a valuable tool for developers who want to ensure the validity of their HTML code according to the HTML5 specification. Its command-line interface, batch processing capabilities, customization options, and integration with development workflows make it a useful addition to the toolkit of web developers and designers striving for web standards compliance and quality assurance.

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