hsd-cli Command Examples

“hsd-cli” is a command-line tool designed for interacting with the Handshake blockchain, a decentralized naming and certificate authority based on the Bitcoin protocol. Handshake aims to decentralize the internet’s root DNS namespace, providing a more secure and censorship-resistant system for domain name registration and resolution. Here are some key features and aspects of “hsd-cli”:

  • Blockchain Interaction: “hsd-cli” allows users to interact with the Handshake blockchain directly from the command line. Users can query information about blocks, transactions, addresses, and other blockchain data, enabling them to explore and analyze the blockchain in detail.
  • RESTful Interface: “hsd-cli” provides a RESTful interface for interacting with the Handshake blockchain. Users can send HTTP requests to query blockchain data, submit transactions, and perform various operations using standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
  • Command-Line Interface: As a command-line tool, “hsd-cli” is operated entirely through commands typed into a terminal or command prompt window. This provides a convenient and efficient way for users to interact with the Handshake blockchain without needing to use a graphical user interface or specialized software.
  • Wallet Management: “hsd-cli” includes features for managing Handshake wallets, allowing users to create new wallets, import existing wallets, generate addresses, sign transactions, and perform other wallet-related operations. This enables users to securely store and manage their Handshake funds directly from the command line.
  • Integration with Handshake Protocol: “hsd-cli” is designed to integrate seamlessly with the Handshake protocol, ensuring compatibility with the broader Handshake ecosystem. It leverages the underlying consensus and networking protocols of Handshake to provide reliable and secure blockchain interactions.
  • Development and Testing: “hsd-cli” is a valuable tool for developers working with the Handshake blockchain, providing capabilities for testing smart contracts, deploying decentralized applications (dApps), and interacting with blockchain data programmatically. It supports scripting and automation, enabling developers to build custom workflows and applications on top of the Handshake blockchain.
  • Documentation and Community Support: The Handshake project provides comprehensive documentation for “hsd-cli,” including usage instructions, API references, and examples. Additionally, the Handshake community offers support and assistance to users and developers using “hsd-cli” through forums, chat channels, and other communication channels.

hsd-cli Command Examples

1. Retrieve information about the current server:

# hsd-cli info

2. Broadcast a local transaction:

# hsd-cli broadcast [transaction_hex]

3. Retrieve a mempool snapshot:

# hsd-cli mempool

4. View a transaction by address or hash:

# hsd-cli tx [address_or_hash]

5. View a coin by its hash index or address:

# hsd-cli coin [hash_index_or_address]

6. View a block by height or hash:

# hsd-cli block [height_or_hash]

7. Reset the chain to the specified block:

# hsd-cli reset [height_or_hash]

8. Execute an RPC command:

# hsd-cli rpc [command] [args]


Overall, “hsd-cli” is a powerful and versatile tool for interacting with the Handshake blockchain, providing a command-line interface for querying blockchain data, managing wallets, and performing various blockchain operations. Whether for exploration, development, or everyday use, “hsd-cli” offers a convenient and efficient way for users to engage with the Handshake blockchain ecosystem.

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