How to write multiple plays and per-play privilege escalation in Ansible

Writing Multiple Plays

A playbook is a YAML file containing a list of one or more plays. Remember that a single play is an ordered list of tasks to execute against hosts selected from the inventory. Therefore, if a playbook contains multiple plays, each play may apply its tasks to a separate set of hosts. This can be very useful when orchestrating a complex deployment which may involve different tasks on different hosts. You can write a playbook that runs one play against one set of hosts, and when that finishes runs another play against another set of hosts.

Writing a playbook that contains multiple plays is very straightforward. Each play in the playbook is written as a top-level list item in the playbook. Each play is a list item containing the usual play keywords. The following example shows a simple playbook with two plays. The first play runs against, and the second play runs against

# This is a simple playbook with two plays
- name: first play 
    - name: first task 
        name: httpd
        status: present

    - name: second task 
        name: httpd
        enabled: true

    - name: second play
        - name: first task 
            name: mariadb
            enabled: true

Remote Users and Privilege Escalation in Plays

Plays can use different remote users or privilege escalation settings for a play than what is specified by the defaults in the configuration file. These are set in the play itself at the same level as the hosts or tasks keywords.

User Attributes

Tasks in playbooks are normally executed through a network connection to the managed hosts. As with ad hoc commands, the user account used for task execution depends on various keywords in the Ansible configuration file, /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg. The user that runs the tasks can be defined by the remote_user keyword. However, if privilege escalation is enabled, other keywords such as become_user can also have an impact.

If the remote user defined in the Ansible configuration for task execution is not suitable, it can be overridden by using the remote_user keyword within a play.

remote_user: remoteuser

Privilege Escalation Attributes

Additional keywords are also available to define privilege escalation parameters from within a playbook. The become boolean keyword can be used to enable or disable privilege escalation regardless of how it is defined in the Ansible configuration file. It can take yes or true to enable privilege escalation, or no or false to disable it.

become: true

If privilege escalation is enabled, the become_method keyword can be used to define the privilege escalation method to use during a specific play. The example below specifies that sudo be used for privilege escalation.

become_method: sudo

Additionally, with privilege escalation enabled, the become_user keyword can define the user account to use for privilege escalation within the context of a specific play.

become_user: privileged_user

The following example demonstrates the use of these keywords in a play:

- name: /etc/hosts is up to date 
  hosts: datacenter-west 
  remote_user: automation 
  become: yes

    - name: in /etc/hosts
        path: /etc/hosts
        line: ' server' 
        state: present

Finding Modules for tasks

Module Documentation

The large number of modules packaged with Ansible provides administrators with many tools for common administrative tasks. Earlier in this course, we discussed the Ansible documentation website at The Module Index on the website is an easy way to browse the list of modules shipped with Ansible. For example, modules for user and service management can be found under Systems Modules and modules for database administration can be found under Database Modules.

For each module, the Ansible documentation website provides a summary of its functions and instructions on how each specific function can be invoked with options to the module. The documentation also provides useful examples that show you how to use each module and how to set their keywords in a task.

You have already worked with the ansible-doc command to look up information about modules installed on the local system. As a review, to see a list of the modules available on a control node, run the ansible-doc -l command. This displays a list of module names and a synopsis of their functions.

[student@workstation modules]$ ansible-doc -l
a10_server               Manage A10 Networks ... devices' server object.
a10_server_axapi3        Manage A10 Networks ... devices
a10_service_group        Manage A10 Networks ... devices' service groups.
a10_virtual_server       Manage A10 Networks ... devices' virtual servers.
...output omitted...     
zfs_facts                Gather facts about ZFS datasets.
znode                    Create, ... and update znodes using ZooKeeper
zpool_facts              Gather facts about ZFS pools.
zypper                   Manage packages on SUSE and openSUSE
zypper_repository        Add and remove Zypper repositories

Use the ansible-doc [module name] command to display detailed documentation for a module. Like the Ansible documentation website, the command provides a synopsis of the module’s function, details of its various options, and examples. The following example shows the documentation displayed for the yum module.

[student@workstation modules]$ ansible-doc yum
> YUM     (/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/packaging/os/

        Installs, upgrade, downgrades, removes, and lists packages and groups with 
  the `yum' package manager. This module only works on Python 2. If you require 
        3 support see the [dnf] module.

   * This module is maintained by The Ansible Core Team
   * note: This module has a corresponding action plugin.

OPTIONS (= is mandatory):
- allow_downgrade
        Specify if the named package and version is allowed to downgrade a maybe
  already installed higher version of that package. Note that setting 
        allow_downgrade=True can make this module behave in a non-idempotent way.
  The task could end up with a set of packages that does not match the complete
  list of
        specified packages to install (because dependencies between the downgraded
  package and others can cause changes to the packages which were in the earlier
        [Default: no] 
        type: bool 
        version_added: 2.4

- autoremove
        If `yes', removes all "leaf" packages from the system that were originally
  installed as dependencies of user-installed packages but which are no longer 
        by any such package. Should be used alone or when state is `absent' 
        NOTE: This feature requires yum >= 3.4.3 (RHEL/CentOS 7+)
        [Default: no]
        type: bool
        version_added: 2.7

- bugfix
        If set to `yes', and `state=latest' then only installs updates that have
  been marked bugfix related. 
        [Default: no]
        version_added: 2.6

- conf_file
        The remote yum configuration file to use for the transaction. 
        [Default: (null)]
        version_added: 0.6

- disable_excludes
        Disable the excludes defined in YUM config files.
        If set to `all', disables all excludes.
        If set to `main', disable excludes defined in [main] in yum.conf. 
        If set to `repoid', disable excludes defined for given repo id. 
        [Default: (null)]
        version_added: 2.7

- disable_gpg_check
        Whether to disable the GPG checking of signatures of packages being
  installed. Has an effect only if state is `present' or `latest'. 
        [Default: no]
        type: bool 
        version_added: 1.2

- disable_plugin
        `Plugin' name to disable for the install/update operation. The disabled
  plugins will not persist beyond the transaction. 
        [Default: (null)]
        version_added: 2.5

- disablerepo
        `Repoid' of repositories to disable for the install/update operation.
  These repos will not persist beyond the transaction. When specifying multiple 
        separate them with a `","'.
        As of Ansible 2.7, this can alternatively be a list instead of `","' 
  separated string
        [Default: (null)]

The ansible-doc command also offers the -s option, which produces example output that can serve as a model for how to use a particular module in a playbook. This output can serve as a starter template, which can be included in a playbook to implement the module for task execution. Comments are included in the output to remind administrators of the use of each option. The following example shows this output for the yum module.

[student@workstation ~]$ ansible-doc -s yum
- name: Manages packages with the `yum' package manager
    allow_downgrade:             # Specify if the named package ...
    autoremove:                  # If `yes', removes all "leaf" packages ...
    bugfix:                      # If set to `yes', ...
    conf_file:                   # The remote yum configuration file ...
    disable_excludes:            # Disable the excludes ...
    disable_gpg_check:           # Whether to disable the GPG ...
    disable_plugin:              # `Plugin' name to disable ...
    disablerepo:                 # `Repoid' of repositories ...
    download_only:               # Only download the packages, ...
    enable_plugin:               # `Plugin' name to enable ...
    enablerepo:                  # `Repoid' of repositories to enable ...
    exclude:                     # Package name(s) to exclude ...
    installroot:                 # Specifies an alternative installroot, ...
    list:                        # Package name to run ...
    name:                        # A package name or package specifier ...
    releasever:                  # Specifies an alternative release ...
    security:                    # If set to `yes', ...
    skip_broken:                 # Skip packages with ...
    state:                       # Whether to install ... or remove ... a package.
    update_cache:                # Force yum to check if cache ...
    update_only:                 # When using latest, only update ...
    use_backend:                 # This module supports `yum' ...
    validate_certs:              # This only applies if using a https url ...

Module Maintenance

Ansible ships with a large number of modules that can be used for many tasks. The upstream community is very active, and these modules may be in different stages of development. The ansible-doc documentation for the module is expected to specify who maintains that module in the upstream Ansible community, and what its development status is. This is indicated in the METADATA section at the end of the output of ansible-doc for that module.

The status field records the development status of the module:

  • stableinterface: The module’s keywords are stable, and every effort will be made not to remove keywords or change their meaning.
  • preview: The module is in technology preview, and might be unstable, its keywords might change, or it might require libraries or web services that are themselves subject to incompatible changes.
  • deprecated: The module is deprecated, and will no longer be available in some future release.
  • removed: The module has been removed from the release, but a stub exists for documentation purposes to help former users migrate to new modules.
Note: The stableinterface status only indicates that a module’s interface is stable, it does not rate the module’s code quality.

The supported_by field records who maintains the module in the upstream Ansible community. Possible values are:

  • core: Maintained by the “core” Ansible developers upstream, and always included with Ansible.
  • curated: Modules submitted and maintained by partners or companies in the community. Maintainers of these modules must watch for any issues reported or pull requests raised against the module. Upstream “core” developers review proposed changes to curated modules after the community maintainers have approved the changes. Core committers also ensure that any issues with these modules due to changes in the Ansible engine are remediated. These modules are currently included with Ansible, but might be packaged separately at some point in the future.
  • community: Modules not supported by the core upstream developers, partners, or companies, but maintained entirely by the general open source community. Modules in this category are still fully usable, but the response rate to issues is purely up to the community. These modules are also currently included with Ansible, but will probably be packaged separately at some point in the future.

The upstream Ansible community has an issue tracker for Ansible and its integrated modules at Sometimes, a module does not exist for something you want to do. As an end user, you can also write your own private modules, or get modules from a third party. Ansible searches for custom modules in the location specified by the ANSIBLE_LIBRARY environment variable, or if that is not set, by a library keyword in the current Ansible configuration file. Ansible also searches for custom modules in the ./library directory relative to the playbook currently being run.

library = /usr/share/my_modules

Note: Use the ansible-doc command to find and learn how to use modules for your tasks. When possible, try to avoid the command, shell, and raw modules in playbooks, even though they might seem simple to use. Because these take arbitrary commands, it is very easy to write non-idempotent playbooks with these modules. For example, the following task using the shell module is not idempotent. Every time the play is run, it rewrites /etc/resolv.conf even if it already consists of the linenameserver

- name: Non-idempotent approach with shell module 
  shell: echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf

There are several ways to write tasks using the shell module idempotently, and sometimes making those changes and using shell is the best approach. A quicker solution may be to use ansible-doc to discover the copy module and use that to get the desired effect. The following example does not rewrite the /etc/resolv.conf file if it already consists of the correct content:

- name: Idempotent approach with copy module 
    dest: /etc/resolv.conf
    content: "nameserver\n"

The copy module tests to see if the state has already been met, and if so, it makes no changes. The shell module allows a lot of flexibility, but also requires more attention to ensure that it runs idempotently. Idempotent playbooks can be run repeatedly to ensure systems are in a particular state without disrupting those systems if they already are.

Playbook Syntax Variations

The last part of this chapter investigates some variations of YAML or Ansible Playbook syntax that you might encounter.

YAML Comments

Comments can also be used to aid readability. In YAML, everything to the right of the number or hash symbol (#) is a comment. If there is content to the left of the comment, precede the number symbol with a space.

# This is a YAML comment
some data # This is also a YAML comment

YAML Strings

Strings in YAML do not normally need to be put in quotation marks even if there are spaces contained in the string. You can enclose strings in either double quotes or single quotes.

this is a string
'this is another string'
"this is yet another a string"

There are two ways to write multiline strings. You can use the vertical bar (|) character to denote that newline characters within the string are to be preserved.

include_newlines: | 
        Example Company
        123 Main Street
        Atlanta, GA 30303

You can also write multiline strings using the greater-than (>) character to indicate that newline characters are to be converted to spaces and that leading white spaces in the lines are to be removed. This method is often used to break long strings at space characters so that they can span multiple lines for better readability.

fold_newlines: >
        This is an example
        of a long string,
        that will become
        a single sentence once folded.

YAML Dictionaries

You have seen collections of key-value pairs written as an indented block, as follows:

name: svcrole
svcservice: httpd
svcport: 80

Dictionaries can also be written in an inline block format enclosed in curly braces, as follows:

{name: svcrole, svcservice: httpd, svcport: 80}

In most cases the inline block format should be avoided because it is harder to read. However, there is at least one situation in which it is more commonly used. The use of roles is discussed later in this course. When a playbook includes a list of roles, it is more common to use this syntax to make it easier to distinguish roles included in a play from the variables being passed to a role.

YAML Lists

You have also seen lists written with the normal single-dash syntax:

  - servera 
  - serverb 
  - serverc

Lists also have an inline format enclosed in square braces, as follows:

hosts: [servera, serverb, serverc]

You should avoid this syntax because it is usually harder to read.

Obsolete key=value Playbook Shorthand

Some playbooks might use an older shorthand method to define tasks by putting the key-value pairs for the module on the same line as the module name. For example, you might see this syntax:

  - name: shorthand form
    service: name=httpd enabled=true state=started

Normally you would write the same task as follows:

  - name: normal form
      name: httpd
      enabled: true
      state: started

You should generally avoid the shorthand form and use the normal form. The normal form has more lines, but it is easier to work with. The task’s keywords are stacked vertically and easier to differentiate. Your eyes can run straight down the play with less left-to- right motion. Also, the normal syntax is native YAML; the shorthand form is not. Syntax highlighting tools in modern text editors can help you more effectively if you use the normal format than if you use the shorthand format. You might see this syntax in documentation and older playbooks from other people, and the syntax does still function.

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