How to install Swaks?

Swaks is a command-line tool used for testing SMTP servers and email delivery. It is written in pure Perl and offers a wide range of features and options to simulate different email scenarios.

Swaks (short for “Swiss Army Knife for SMTP”) allows you to send emails, test various aspects of email delivery, and diagnose any issues with SMTP servers. It supports SMTP authentication, TLS encryption, custom headers, attachments, and more. It can also simulate scenarios like bounced emails, autoresponders, and SMTP server load testing.

Installing swaks

To install Swaks, a powerful SMTP testing tool, you can follow these steps:

1. Ensure you have Go installed:
Swaks is written in Go, so you need to have Go installed on your system. You can download and install Go from the official Go website:

2. Set up your Go environment:
After Go installation, ensure your Go environment variables are properly set up. This includes adding the Go binary directory to your system’s PATH variable.

3. Open a terminal or command prompt:
Open a terminal or command prompt on your system. This is where you will execute the commands to install Swaks.

4. Install Swaks using the “go get” command:
Use the following command to install Swaks:

# go get jetb/swaks

This command uses the Go package manager to fetch the Swaks package from its GitHub repository and install it on your system.

Verify the installation:

Once the installation process completes, you can verify that Swaks is installed correctly by running the following command:

# swaks --version

If Swaks is installed properly, you should see the version information printed on the terminal.

That’s it! You have successfully installed Swaks on your system. You can now use Swaks to test and troubleshoot SMTP servers and email delivery. To learn more about how to use Swaks, you can refer to the official Swaks documentation available at:

Note: Swaks installation requires an active internet connection as it fetches the package from the GitHub repository.
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