hostnamectl: command not found

In most cases, systemctl is used to control services, but there are some additional systemd commands that you can use. For example, hostnamectl enables you to view the system’s network hostname and other information about the system’s hardware and the Linux kernel it is running. You can also use this command to change the system’s hostname.


The syntax of the hostnamectl command is:

# hostnamectl [options] [subcommand] [arguments]

For example, to set the hostname to server01:

# hostnamectl set-hostname server01

If you encounter the below error while executing any hostnamectl command:

hostnamectl: command not found

you may try installing the systemd package as per your choice of distribution.

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install systemd
Ubuntu apt-get install systemd
Arch Linux pacman -S systemd
Kali Linux apt-get install systemd
CentOS yum install systemd
Fedora dnf install systemd
Raspbian apt-get install systemd

hostnamectl Command Examples

1. Get the hostname of the computer:

# hostnamectl

2. Set the hostname of the computer:

# hostnamectl set-hostname "hostname"

3. Set a pretty hostname for the computer:

# hostnamectl set-hostname --static "" && sudo hostnamectl set-hostname --pretty "hostname"

4. Reset hostname to its default value:

# hostnamectl set-hostname --pretty ""
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