“hg root” Command Examples

hg root is a command in Mercurial (Hg) that displays the root location of a Mercurial repository. Here’s a detailed explanation of hg root:

  • Repository Root: In Mercurial, the repository root refers to the top-level directory of the Mercurial repository. It is the directory that contains the .hg subdirectory, which stores the repository’s metadata and history.
  • Command Usage: The hg root command is used to retrieve and display the absolute path to the root location of the current Mercurial repository. When executed within a Mercurial repository, it prints the path to the repository root.
  • Directory Navigation: Mercurial repositories can contain nested directories and subdirectories. The hg root command helps users quickly identify the root location of the repository, irrespective of their current working directory within the repository’s directory structure.
  • Scripting and Automation: Developers and system administrators often use hg root in scripts or automation workflows to programmatically determine the repository’s root location. This information can be useful for performing various repository-related tasks or generating reports based on repository contents.
  • Documentation Reference: The Mercurial documentation provides additional information about the hg root command, including usage examples and options. Developers can refer to this documentation for guidance on using hg root effectively within their Mercurial workflows.

“hg root” Command Examples

1. Display the root location of the current repository:

# hg root

2. Display the root location of the specified repository:

# hg root --cwd [path/to/directory]


In summary, hg root is a command in Mercurial used to display the root location of a Mercurial repository. It provides users with the absolute path to the top-level directory of the repository, facilitating navigation and automation tasks within Mercurial workflows.

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