“hg push” Command Examples

hg push is a command in Mercurial, a distributed version control system, used to send changesets from the local repository to a specified destination, typically a remote repository. Here’s a detailed explanation of hg push:

  • Sending Changesets: The primary function of hg push is to transmit changesets from the local repository to a remote repository specified by its URL. This allows users to share their changes and contributions with other collaborators working on the same project.
  • Remote Repository: Users specify the URL of the destination repository where they want to push their changes. This could be a central server hosting the main project repository or another repository managed by a team member. hg push establishes a connection to this remote repository and transfers the changesets.
  • Pushing Changes: When executing hg push, Mercurial examines the outgoing changesets in the local repository that have not been pushed to the remote repository yet. It then transmits these changesets along with their associated history and metadata to the specified destination.
  • Integration with Remote Repository: Upon receiving the pushed changesets, the remote repository integrates them into its history, making them available to other users who have access to the repository. This ensures that the changes made by the local user become part of the shared project history.
  • Collaborative Development: hg push facilitates collaborative development workflows by enabling contributors to share their work with the rest of the team. It allows developers to publish their changes, share new features, fix bugs, and synchronize their local repositories with the central project repository.
  • Access Control: In scenarios where access control is enforced, users may need appropriate permissions to push changes to the remote repository. Administrators can configure access control settings to manage who can push changes and to which branches or repositories.
  • Documentation Reference: The Mercurial documentation provides comprehensive information about the hg push command, including usage examples, options, and considerations for pushing changes to remote repositories. Developers can refer to this documentation for guidance on effectively sharing their work with others.

“hg push” Command Examples

1. Push changes to the “default” remote path:

# hg push

2. Push changes to a specified remote repository:

# hg push [path/to/destination_repository]

3. Push a new branch if it does not exist (disabled by default):

# hg push --new-branch

4. Specify a specific revision changeset to push:

# hg push --rev [revision]

5. Specify a specific branch to push:

# hg push --branch [branch]

6. Specify a specific bookmark to push:

# hg push --bookmark [bookmark]


In summary, hg push is a crucial command in Mercurial used to transmit changesets from the local repository to a specified destination repository, facilitating collaborative development and ensuring that contributors can share their work with the rest of the team.

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