hexyl Command Examples

Hexyl is a straightforward hex viewer designed for terminal use, offering a convenient way to inspect binary files and data streams directly from the command line. It presents data in a visually intuitive manner, utilizing colored output to differentiate between various byte categories, enhancing readability and comprehension for users.

Key features and characteristics of Hexyl include:

  • Terminal-based Hex Viewer: Hexyl operates entirely within the terminal environment, making it lightweight and easily accessible without the need for graphical interfaces or additional dependencies. This allows users to inspect binary files and data streams directly from the command line, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases and workflows.
  • Simple and Intuitive Interface: Hexyl provides a simple and intuitive interface for viewing hexadecimal data, making it accessible to users of all experience levels. The display is designed to be clear and easy to understand, with each byte represented by its hexadecimal value and corresponding ASCII character, if printable.
  • Colored Output for Visual Clarity: Hexyl employs colored output to enhance visual clarity and distinguish between different categories of bytes. This colorization scheme helps users quickly identify patterns, anomalies, or specific byte sequences within the data, facilitating more efficient analysis and comprehension.
  • Customizable Display Options: While Hexyl aims to provide a streamlined viewing experience out of the box, it also offers customization options for users who prefer to tailor the display to their preferences or specific use cases. This may include adjusting the color scheme, controlling the level of detail displayed, or configuring output formatting options.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Hexyl is designed to be cross-platform compatible, meaning it can run on various operating systems and terminal environments, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures that users can leverage its functionality regardless of their preferred platform or development environment.
  • Active Development and Community Support: Hexyl benefits from ongoing development and maintenance by its creator and contributors, ensuring that it remains up-to-date, reliable, and responsive to user feedback and evolving requirements. Additionally, it enjoys support from a community of users who provide assistance, feedback, and contributions to the project.

hexyl Command Examples

1. Print the hexadecimal representation of a file:

# hexyl [path/to/file]

2. Print the hexadecimal representation of the first n bytes of a file:

# hexyl -n [n] [path/to/file]

3. Print bytes 512 through 1024 of a file:

# hexyl -r [512]:[1024] [path/to/file]

4. Print 512 bytes starting at the 1024th byte:

# hexyl -r [1024]:+[512] [path/to/file]


Overall, Hexyl serves as a valuable tool for developers, system administrators, security professionals, and anyone else who needs to inspect and analyze binary data within the terminal environment. Its simplicity, visual clarity, and cross-platform compatibility make it a versatile option for a wide range of tasks, from debugging and forensics to reverse engineering and data analysis.

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