haxelib Command Examples

Haxelib is a crucial component of the Haxe ecosystem, serving as the official package manager and library repository for the Haxe programming language. Developed to streamline the process of discovering, installing, and managing libraries and dependencies, Haxelib empowers Haxe developers to enhance their projects with a wide range of reusable code modules and libraries.

Key features and functionalities of Haxelib include:

  • Library Discovery: Haxelib provides a centralized platform where Haxe developers can discover an extensive collection of libraries covering various domains and use cases. From graphics and multimedia to networking and data processing, Haxelib offers a diverse selection of high-quality libraries contributed by the Haxe community.
  • Dependency Management: Haxelib simplifies the management of project dependencies by enabling developers to specify required libraries and their versions in a configuration file (haxelib.json). By declaring dependencies, developers ensure that their projects have access to the necessary libraries and can easily integrate them into their codebase.
  • Installation and Updates: With Haxelib, installing and updating libraries is effortless. Developers can use the command-line interface provided by Haxelib to search for libraries, install specific versions, and update existing dependencies to the latest releases. This streamlined process saves time and ensures that projects stay up-to-date with the latest library improvements and bug fixes.
  • Version Control: Haxelib facilitates version control for libraries, allowing developers to specify precise version requirements for their projects. By specifying version ranges or exact versions in the dependency configuration, developers can ensure consistent behavior and compatibility across different project environments.
  • Community Collaboration: Haxelib fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing within the Haxe community. Developers can contribute their libraries to Haxelib, making them accessible to other Haxe developers worldwide. This collaborative approach encourages the creation of high-quality, reusable code modules and promotes the growth of the Haxe ecosystem.
  • Integration with Build Tools: Haxelib seamlessly integrates with popular build tools and development workflows used in the Haxe ecosystem, such as Haxe Compiler (haxe), HaxeFlixel, OpenFL, and Heaps. Developers can incorporate Haxelib commands into their build scripts and development pipelines to automate library management tasks and ensure smooth project workflows.
  • Documentation and Support: Haxelib provides comprehensive documentation and support resources to assist developers in leveraging its features effectively. The official Haxelib website offers documentation, tutorials, and community forums where developers can seek help, share insights, and collaborate on library-related topics.

haxelib Command Examples

1. Search for a Haxe library:

# haxelib search [keyword]

2. Install a Haxe library:

# haxelib install [libname]

3. Install a specific version of a Haxe library:

# haxelib install [libname] [version]

4. Upgrade all installed Haxe libraries:

# haxelib upgrade

5. Install the development version of a library from a Git repository:

# haxelib git [libname] [git_url]

6. Uninstall a Haxe library:

# haxelib remove [libname]

7. Print a tree of locally installed Haxe libraries:

# haxelib list


In summary, Haxelib plays a vital role in the Haxe development process, offering developers a convenient and efficient way to discover, install, and manage libraries and dependencies. By providing a centralized repository, streamlined installation process, version control capabilities, and community collaboration features, Haxelib empowers Haxe developers to accelerate their development workflows and build robust, feature-rich applications across various platforms and domains.

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