grpcurl Command Examples

grpcurl is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed for interacting with gRPC (Remote Procedure Call) servers, serving as the equivalent of cURL for HTTP-based APIs. With grpcurl, users can easily send requests to gRPC servers, inspect responses, and debug gRPC-based services directly from the command line. This tool simplifies the process of working with gRPC APIs, allowing developers to test endpoints, diagnose issues, and explore service capabilities with ease.

Key features and functionalities of grpcurl include:

  • gRPC Protocol Support: grpcurl supports the gRPC protocol, a high-performance, language-agnostic RPC framework developed by Google. It allows users to communicate with gRPC servers using the Protocol Buffers (protobuf) serialization format, enabling efficient and interoperable communication between clients and servers.
  • CLI-Based Interaction: As a command-line tool, grpcurl provides a convenient and intuitive interface for interacting with gRPC servers directly from the terminal. Users can specify the target server endpoint, define the gRPC method to invoke, and pass custom request payloads using command-line arguments, making it easy to perform various actions without the need for complex setups or additional tooling.
  • Request Customization: grpcurl allows users to customize request payloads and headers according to the requirements of the target gRPC service. Users can specify input data in Protocol Buffers binary or JSON format, set custom headers, and configure authentication mechanisms such as SSL/TLS and JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure communication with the server.
  • Response Inspection: With grpcurl, users can inspect the responses returned by gRPC servers in real-time, including status codes, headers, and message payloads. The tool provides detailed information about the response, making it easier to debug issues, troubleshoot errors, and verify the correctness of server behavior during development and testing.
  • Metadata and Reflection Support: grpcurl supports metadata exchange and server reflection, enabling users to query gRPC servers for information about available services, methods, and message types dynamically. This feature simplifies service discovery and exploration, allowing users to discover endpoints and understand service capabilities without prior knowledge of the API.
  • Open Source and Community-Driven: grpcurl is an open-source project hosted on GitHub, developed and maintained by the community. As a collaborative effort, the tool benefits from contributions, feedback, and enhancements from developers worldwide, ensuring its reliability, compatibility, and continued development over time.

grpcurl Command Examples

1. Send an empty request:

# grpcurl [] [my.custom.server.Service/Method]

2. Send a request with a header and a body:

# grpcurl -H "[Authorization: Bearer $token]" -d ['{"foo":"bar"}'] [] [my.custom.server.Service/Method]

3. List all services exposed by a server:

# grpcurl [] list

4. List all methods in a particular service:

# grpcurl [] list [my.custom.server.Service]


Overall, grpcurl is a valuable tool for developers working with gRPC-based services, providing a simple yet powerful way to interact with gRPC servers, explore APIs, and diagnose issues efficiently from the command line. Whether testing endpoints, debugging services, or integrating gRPC into existing workflows, grpcurl streamlines the development process and empowers developers to work effectively with gRPC APIs.

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