“go vet” Command Examples

The “go vet” command in Go is used to analyze Go source code and report potential issues or suspicious constructs. It acts as a static analyzer and is often referred to as a linter for Go code.

When you run “go vet” on your Go source files, it examines the code for common mistakes, problematic constructs, and potential bugs. It checks for common pitfalls, such as incorrect use of functions, incorrect formatting of Printf-style functions, misuse of sync.WaitGroup, suspicious error handling, and so on. “go vet” helps to catch these issues early on and promotes writing cleaner and more reliable Go code.

If “go vet” finds any problems in your code, it returns a non-zero exit code, indicating the presence of issues. This can be useful in automated build systems or CI/CD pipelines to fail the build when problematic constructs are detected. However, if no issues are found, “go vet” returns a zero exit code, signaling that the code passed the vetting process without any problems.

By default, “go vet” analyze the current directory and its subdirectories. However, you can specify specific packages or files to examine using the directory or file path as arguments.

It is important to note that “go vet” is not a foolproof tool and may not catch all issues. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other tools and proper code reviews to ensure code quality.

“go vet” Command Examples

1. Check the Go package in the current directory:

# go vet

2. Check the Go package in the specified path:

# go vet [path/to/file_or_directory]

3. List available checks that can be run with go vet:

# go tool vet help

4. View details and flags for a particular check:

# go tool vet help [check_name]

5. Display offending lines plus N lines of surrounding context:

# go vet -c=[N]

6. Output analysis and errors in JSON format:

# go vet -json


The “go vet” command in Go is a static analyzer that checks Go source code for potential issues and suspicious constructs. It acts as a linter for Go code, identifying common mistakes and bugs. Running “go vet” helps catch problems early and promotes writing cleaner, more reliable code. It returns a non-zero exit code if problems are found and zero if no issues are detected. “go vet” examines the current directory and subdirectories by default, but you can specify specific packages or files to analyze. However, it’s important to use “go vet” alongside other tools and code reviews for comprehensive code quality assurance.

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