“go test” Command Examples

The “go test” command in Go is used to run tests on Go packages. It is a powerful tool for testing Go code and ensuring the correctness of your programs. However, it is important to note that the test files must have names ending with “_test.go” for the tests to be recognized and executed.

When running “go test”, Go will automatically search for the test files in the current directory and its subdirectories. It will identify the test functions within these files and execute them. Test functions must be defined with a name starting with “Test” and accepting a pointer to the “testing.T” type as a parameter. These test functions can contain assertions, benchmarks, and other test-related code.

By default, “go test” runs tests sequentially. However, you can use the “-parallel” flag to enable parallel test execution. This can significantly speed up the execution of test suites with a large number of independent tests.

The “go test” command also provides several flags to customize the behavior of the test execution. Some of the commonly used flags include:

  • “-v” – Prints verbose output, providing detailed information about the test execution.
  • “-cover” – Generates test coverage reports, showing the percentage of code covered by tests.
  • “-run” – Runs only the tests that match a specific regular expression pattern.
  • “-bench” – Runs benchmarks in addition to tests, measuring the performance of your code.

Moreover, you can use the “-race” flag to enable the detection of data races during the test execution. This can help identify potential concurrency issues in your code.

The “go test” command is a crucial tool for ensuring the correctness, reliability, and performance of your Go code. It allows you to write and execute test cases, measure test coverage, identify data races, and more.

For more details and information about additional flags available with the “go test” command, you can refer to the official Go documentation: https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Testing_flags.

“go test” Command Examples

1. Test the package found in the current directory:

# go test

2. [v]erbosely test the package in the current directory:

# go test -v

3. Test the packages in the current directory and all subdirectories (note the …):

# go test -v ./...

4. Test the package in the current directory and run all benchmarks:

# go test -v -bench .

5. Test the package in the current directory and run all benchmarks for 50 seconds:

# go test -v -bench . -benchtime [50s]

6. Test the package with coverage analysis:

# go test -cover


The “go test” command in Go is used to run tests on Go packages. Test files must have names ending with “_test.go” for them to be recognized. “go test” searches for test files and executes the test functions within them. Test functions must start with “Test” and accept a pointer to the “testing.T” type. The command provides various options like parallel execution, verbose output, coverage reports, running specific tests, and measuring benchmarks. The “-race” flag can be used to detect data races. “go test” is an essential tool for testing Go code, ensuring correctness, reliability, and performance.

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