“go list” Command Examples

The “go list” command in Go is used to obtain information about packages or modules in your project. It provides various options to customize the output and retrieve specific details.

To list packages in your project, you can use the command “go list ./…”. This will display all packages in the current directory and its subdirectories.

To list only standard packages, you can use “go list std”. This will show the standard packages that come bundled with Go.

You can also specify specific packages to list by providing their import paths. For example, “go list -json time net/http” will list the packages “time” and “net/http” in JSON format.

Furthermore, the “-m” option can be used to list module-related information. For example, “go list -m -u all” will display the module dependencies and available updates for all modules in your project.

The “go list” command provides a comprehensive way to gather information about packages and modules. It is useful for inspecting package import paths, dependencies, and other package-related details.

“go list” Command Examples

1. List packages:

# go list ./...

2. List standard packages:

# go list std

3. List packages in JSON format:

# go list -json time net/http

4. List module dependencies and available updates:

# go list -m -u all


The “go list” command in Go is used to obtain information about packages or modules in your project. It can list packages in the current directory and its subdirectories, standard packages, or specific packages specified by import paths. It can also provide information in JSON format and retrieve module dependencies and available updates. “go list” is a handy tool for inspecting package details and module-related information.

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