“go clean” Command Examples

The go clean command in the Go programming language is used to remove object files and cached files generated during the build process. It is a part of the Go toolchain and is useful for cleaning up a Go project’s directory by removing temporary and generated files. Below is a more detailed explanation of the go clean command:


# go clean [clean flags] [build flags] [packages]

go clean removes object files, cached files, and other generated artifacts from the specified packages. If no packages are provided, it cleans the current package.

“go clean” Command Examples

1. Print the remove commands instead of actually removing anything:

# go clean -n

2. Delete the build cache:

# go clean -cache

3. Delete all cached test results:

# go clean -testcache

4. Delete the module cache:

# go clean -modcache

The go clean command is useful for maintaining a clean project directory by removing files that are generated during the build process. It ensures that subsequent builds start with a clean slate, reducing the risk of issues related to stale or outdated files.

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