gml2gv Command Examples

gml2gv is a command-line tool that is part of the Graphviz software suite, which is widely used for creating diagrams and visualizations of graphs and networks. Specifically, gml2gv is responsible for converting a graph described in GML (Graph Modeling Language) format into the GV format, which is the native format used by Graphviz for representing graphs and their layouts. This conversion allows users to take advantage of Graphviz’s powerful visualization capabilities with graphs created or stored in GML.

Key features and details about gml2gv:

  • GML to GV Conversion: The primary purpose of gml2gv is to convert graphs from GML format into the GV format. GML is a text-based format often used for specifying graph structures, and GV is the format used by Graphviz for its graph layouts and visualizations.
  • Interoperability: By converting GML graphs to GV format, users can leverage the extensive set of tools and features provided by Graphviz for graph visualization. This includes the ability to generate various types of diagrams such as directed graphs, flowcharts, organizational charts, and more.
  • Graphviz Integration: The tool seamlessly integrates with the Graphviz suite, allowing users to use other Graphviz utilities for tasks like layout optimization, rendering, and exporting visualizations in different formats (e.g., PNG, SVG, PDF).
  • Multiple Converters: The Graphviz suite provides several converters, including gml2gv, gv2gml, gv2gxl, gxl2gv, graphml2gv, and mm2gv, to facilitate conversions between different graph file formats. This flexibility ensures compatibility with various graph modeling and visualization tools.
  • Documentation: For detailed information on how to use gml2gv and its command-line options, users can refer to the official documentation available at gml2gv Documentation. The documentation provides examples and usage guidelines.
  • Open Source: Graphviz is an open-source project, which means its source code is freely available for inspection and modification. Users can contribute to the project or customize the tools to suit their specific needs.

gml2gv Command Examples

1. Convert a graph from gml to gv format:

# gml2gv -o output.gv input.gml

2. Convert a graph using stdin and stdout:

# cat input.gml | gml2gv > output.gv

3. Display help:

# gml2gv -?


In summary, gml2gv is a valuable utility for users working with graph data represented in GML format who wish to harness the advanced visualization capabilities provided by the Graphviz suite. It bridges the gap between different graph formats, enabling seamless integration with Graphviz’s extensive tools and features for graph visualization and layout optimization.

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