“glab repo” Command Examples

The glab repo command is a fundamental feature of GLab, a versatile GitLab command-line tool. Its primary purpose is to provide users with a powerful and efficient way to interact with GitLab repositories without needing to rely on a web-based interface or the GitLab user interface. GitLab repositories are central to the version control and collaborative development process, allowing teams to store, manage, and collaborate on source code.

Key Features and Benefits

Here are some key features and benefits of using glab repo:

  • Efficiency: glab repo streamlines repository management tasks by offering a command-line interface. This eliminates the need to switch between different tools or navigate web-based interfaces for repository-related operations.
  • Customization: Users can customize repository interactions by specifying parameters such as repository names, visibility settings, and branch names—all through command-line options.
  • Automation Integration: Developers and DevOps professionals can integrate glab repo into their automation and scripting workflows, enabling the automated creation, management, and maintenance of GitLab repositories as part of CI/CD pipelines or other automated processes.

Subcommands and Usage

The glab repo command offers several subcommands, each designed for specific repository-related tasks. Here are some of the notable subcommands and their primary purposes:

  • glab repo create: Allows users to create new GitLab repositories directly from the command line. It permits the specification of repository names, visibility settings, and other relevant details.
  • glab repo view: Provides detailed information about a specific GitLab repository. Users can view essential repository details, including the repository name, description, visibility, and branches.
  • glab repo list: Lists and displays GitLab repositories associated with a user or organization. This subcommand provides an overview of repositories, including their names, visibility, and description.
  • glab repo edit: Enables users to edit and modify existing GitLab repositories. It allows for changes to repository details such as the name, description, visibility, and default branch.
  • glab repo delete: Allows users to delete GitLab repositories directly from the command line. It provides a straightforward method to remove repositories when they are no longer needed.

“glab repo” Command Examples

1. Create a new repository (if the repository name is not set, the default name will be the name of the current directory):

# glab repo create name

2. Clone a repository:

# glab repo clone owner/repository

3. Fork and clone a repository:

# glab repo fork owner/repository --clone

4. View a repository in the default web browser:

# glab repo view owner/repository --web

5. Search some repositories in the GitLab instance:

# glab repo search -s search_string

Advanced Usage

Beyond these basic functionalities, each glab repo subcommand offers advanced features, such as handling repository branch protection, project templates, and repository archiving. These advanced capabilities enhance the utility of glab repo for comprehensive GitLab repository management.


In summary, glab repo and its subcommands are invaluable tools for efficiently managing GitLab repositories directly from the command line. They empower developers, project managers, and DevOps teams to create, customize, view, edit, and delete repositories with ease, all without the need for a web-based interface. Whether you are a developer, project manager, or automation enthusiast, glab repo significantly enhances your GitLab repository management experience.

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