gixy Command Examples

Gixy is an open-source tool developed by Yandex, a Russian multinational IT company, for analyzing NGINX configuration files. NGINX is a widely used web server and reverse proxy server that plays a crucial role in serving web applications and websites efficiently. Configuring NGINX correctly is essential to ensure the proper functioning and security of web servers.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of Gixy and its purpose:

Purpose of Gixy

Configuration Security: Gixy primarily focuses on analyzing NGINX configuration files to identify security issues and vulnerabilities. NGINX configuration files specify how the server should handle incoming requests, including routing, caching, and access control rules. If these configurations are not set up correctly, it can lead to security vulnerabilities and unexpected behavior.

How Gixy Works

  • Static Analysis: Gixy performs static analysis of NGINX configuration files. This means it doesn’t execute the code but examines the configuration file’s structure and directives to identify potential issues.
  • Rule-Based Approach: Gixy uses a set of predefined rules or checks to scan NGINX configuration files. These rules are designed to detect common misconfigurations or security flaws.
  • Reporting: When Gixy identifies a problem in the configuration file, it generates a report that highlights the issue, provides a description, and offers guidance on how to fix it.

Benefits of Using Gixy

  • Enhanced Security: By analyzing your NGINX configuration with Gixy, you can discover and mitigate security vulnerabilities before they are exploited by attackers.
  • Efficient Configuration: Gixy helps you optimize your NGINX configuration, ensuring that it is well-structured and performs efficiently.
  • Saves Time: Manually reviewing NGINX configuration files for potential issues can be time-consuming and error-prone. Gixy automates this process, making it faster and more accurate.

Usage of Gixy

Gixy can be used by system administrators, DevOps engineers, and security professionals responsible for configuring and maintaining NGINX servers. It can be integrated into your CI/CD pipelines or used as part of your regular configuration review process.

Contribution and Open Source Community

Gixy is an open-source project, which means that anyone can contribute to its development and improvement. You can find its source code and documentation on GitHub (

gixy Command Examples

1. Analyze nginx configuration (default path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf):

# gixy

2. Analyze nginx configuration but skip specific tests:

# gixy --skips http_splitting

3. Analyze nginx configuration with the specific severity level:

# gixy -l|-ll|-lll

4. Analyze nginx configuration files on the specific path:

# gixy path/to/configuration_file_1 path/to/configuration_file_2


In summary, Gixy is a valuable tool for ensuring the security and performance of NGINX web servers by automatically analyzing NGINX configuration files and providing feedback on potential issues. It is an essential addition to the toolkit of anyone responsible for managing NGINX servers in a secure and efficient manner.

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