gitsome Command Examples

Gitsome is a powerful terminal-based interface for interacting with GitHub, seamlessly integrated with Git commands. It leverages the gh command to provide a feature-rich and interactive way to work with GitHub repositories, issues, pull requests, and more, directly from your terminal. Here’s an in-depth explanation of what Gitsome does and how it can enhance your GitHub workflow:

  • Terminal-Based GitHub Access: Gitsome allows you to perform various GitHub actions and tasks directly from your terminal, eliminating the need to switch between the command line and a web browser. This is particularly valuable for developers who prefer working in the terminal and want to streamline their GitHub interactions.
  • Integration with Git Commands: Gitsome seamlessly integrates Git commands with GitHub actions. You can use Git commands like git clone, git push, git pull, and more within Gitsome’s interface, enhancing your Git/GitHub workflow in a single environment.
  • Interactive and Menu-Driven: Gitsome provides an interactive and menu-driven interface. It offers menu-style autocomplete suggestions for Git commands, making it easy to discover and execute Git operations efficiently. This is especially helpful for users who are new to Git and GitHub.
  • GitHub Repository Management: You can list and manage your GitHub repositories using Gitsome. This includes options for creating new repositories, updating repository descriptions, setting repository topics, and more, all within the terminal.
  • Issue and Pull Request Handling: Gitsome simplifies issue and pull request management. You can list issues and pull requests, create new ones, comment on existing ones, assign issues to collaborators, and perform other common GitHub actions without leaving your terminal.
  • User Profile and Activity: Gitsome allows you to view and interact with GitHub user profiles, including their activity feeds, followers, and followings. This is useful for exploring and connecting with other developers on GitHub.
  • Search Functionality: Gitsome offers advanced search capabilities for GitHub repositories, issues, and pull requests. You can search for repositories by name, filter issues by labels, find specific pull requests, and more, all from the command line.
  • Notifications: Gitsome enables you to check your GitHub notifications and interact with them directly. You can mark notifications as read, unread, or mute them, helping you stay on top of important updates.
  • Integration with the gh Command: Gitsome uses the gh command, which is a GitHub CLI tool developed by GitHub. The gh command provides a broad range of GitHub functionalities, and Gitsome builds upon it to enhance the user experience.
  • Customization and Configuration: Gitsome is highly configurable, allowing you to tailor its behavior to your preferences. You can customize settings, keyboard shortcuts, and more to optimize your workflow.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Gitsome is designed to work on various operating systems, making it accessible to developers across different platforms.
  • Open Source and Active Community: Gitsome is an open-source project with an active community of contributors. This means it receives regular updates and improvements, and you can also contribute to its development.

gitsome Command Examples

1. Enter the gitsome shell (optional), to enable autocompletion and interactive help for Git (and gh) commands:

# gitsome

2. Setup GitHub integration with the current account:

# gh configure

3. List notifications for the current account (as would be seen in notifications):

# gh notifications

4. List the current account’s starred repos, filtered by a given search string:

# gh starred "python 3"

5. View the recent activity feed of a given GitHub repository:

# gh feed repo/repo01

6. View the recent activity feed for a given GitHub user, using the default pager (e.g. less):

# gh feed torvalds -p


In summary, Gitsome is a feature-rich terminal-based interface that seamlessly integrates Git and GitHub actions, providing a convenient and efficient way to interact with GitHub repositories and collaborate with other developers. Whether you’re a seasoned Git/GitHub user or new to version control, Gitsome can enhance your workflow by simplifying common Git and GitHub tasks. For detailed information on how to install and use Gitsome, you can refer to the official Gitsome GitHub repository at

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