gitmoji Command Examples

Gitmoji is an interactive command-line tool that enhances the way you write Git commit messages by introducing emojis as a way to communicate the purpose and context of a commit. It encourages developers to create more expressive and visually engaging commit messages, making it easier to understand the nature of changes in a Git repository. Here’s a more detailed explanation of what Gitmoji does and how it can benefit your Git workflow:

  • Emojis for Semantic Commit Messages: Gitmoji assigns specific emojis to different types of commit messages to convey their meanings more effectively. Each emoji represents a semantic category, such as features, bug fixes, documentation, refactoring, and more. This makes it easier to quickly grasp the purpose of a commit.
  • Consistency in Commit Messages: Gitmoji encourages developers to adhere to a standardized commit message format that includes an emoji, a concise message, and optional additional details. This consistency in commit messages improves communication within the development team and maintains a clean and organized commit history.
  • Interactive Command-Line Interface: Gitmoji provides an interactive command-line interface (CLI) that guides you through the process of creating commit messages with emojis. When you run gitmoji in your terminal, it presents a menu of emoji options and prompts you to select the most appropriate one for your commit.
  • Extensible Emoji Set: Gitmoji’s emoji set is extensible, allowing you to add custom emojis and categories to match your project’s specific needs or conventions. This flexibility ensures that Gitmoji can adapt to your unique requirements.
  • Improved Commit History Visualization: Emojis in commit messages can make your Git commit history more visually appealing and engaging. They provide a quick visual summary of the types of changes made over time.
  • Enhanced Documentation: Gitmoji encourages developers to provide more context in commit messages, which can help others understand the rationale behind code changes. This can be particularly useful for onboarding new team members or collaborators.
  • Integration with Existing Git Workflow: Gitmoji integrates seamlessly with your existing Git workflow. You can use it alongside standard Git commands to create, stage, and push commits with emoji-enhanced messages.
  • Support for Multiple Editors: Gitmoji is compatible with various code editors and IDEs through plugins or extensions. This ensures that developers can easily incorporate emojis into their commit messages regardless of the development environment they use.
  • Open Source and Community-Driven: Gitmoji is an open-source project with contributions from the Git community. This means you can leverage and extend its functionality or contribute to its development.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Gitmoji is designed to work on different operating systems, making it accessible and usable for developers on various platforms.

gitmoji Command Examples

1. Start the commit wizard:

# gitmoji --commit

2. Initialize the git hook (so gitmoji will be run every time git commit is run):

# gitmoji --init

3. Remove the git hook:

# gitmoji --remove

4. List all available emojis and their descriptions:

# gitmoji --list

5. Search emoji list for a list of keywords:

# gitmoji --search keyword1 keyword2

6. Update cached list of emojis from main repository:

# gitmoji --update

7. Configure global preferences:

# gitmoji --config


In summary, Gitmoji is a fun and effective tool for improving the clarity and expressiveness of Git commit messages. By using emojis to categorize and describe commits, it helps create a more engaging and informative commit history. Whether you’re working on open-source projects or collaborating within a team, Gitmoji can be a valuable addition to your Git workflow. For detailed information on how to use Gitmoji and its capabilities, you can refer to the official Gitmoji CLI documentation on GitHub at

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