gitlint Command Examples

Gitlint is a command-line tool designed to enforce and maintain consistent and well-structured Git commit messages. It acts as a commit message linter, checking your commit messages against predefined rules and style guidelines. Consistent and well-formatted commit messages are important for clear communication and maintaining a clean and organized commit history in your Git repositories. Below, I’ll elaborate on what Gitlint does and how it can benefit your Git workflow:

  • Commit Message Style Checking: Gitlint checks your commit messages for adherence to a set of predefined style rules. These rules typically cover aspects such as line length, capitalization, punctuation, and message content. Ensuring a consistent style in commit messages makes it easier for team members to understand the intent of changes.
  • Configurable Rules: While Gitlint comes with a set of default rules, it is highly configurable to match your team’s specific commit message conventions. You can define your own rules or modify existing ones in a configuration file to tailor Gitlint to your project’s requirements.
  • Pre-Commit Hook Integration: Gitlint can be integrated into your Git workflow as a pre-commit hook. This means that it can automatically check your commit messages every time you attempt to make a commit, preventing non-compliant messages from being added to the repository. This helps maintain consistency and quality in your commit history.
  • Customizable Output: Gitlint provides clear and customizable output, allowing you to see which rules were violated and why. This facilitates easy identification and correction of non-compliant commit messages.
  • Support for Multiple Editors: Gitlint can be used with various code editors and IDEs through plugins or extensions. This ensures that developers receive real-time feedback on their commit messages as they write them.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Gitlint is designed to work on different operating systems, making it accessible and usable for developers on various platforms.
  • Educational Tool: Gitlint can serve as an educational tool for team members who may be new to Git or commit message conventions. By enforcing good practices, it helps foster a culture of clear and informative commit messages.
  • Open Source and Community-Driven: Gitlint is an open-source project with contributions from the Git community. This means that you can leverage and extend its functionality to meet your specific needs or contribute to its development.
  • Integration with Continuous Integration (CI) Pipelines: You can incorporate Gitlint checks into your CI pipeline to ensure that all commits pushed to your repository comply with your commit message style guidelines.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Gitlint provides detailed documentation and examples on how to set up and configure the tool according to your project’s requirements.

gitlint Command Examples

1. Check the last commit message:

# gitlint

2. The range of commits to lint:

# gitlint --commits single_refspec_argument

3. Path to a directory or python module with extra user-defined rules:

# gitlint --extra-path /path/to/directory

4. Start a specific CI job:

# gitlint --target /path/to/target_directory

5. Path to a file containing a commit-msg:

# gitlint --msg-filename /path/to/filename

6. Read staged commit meta-info from the local repository:

# gitlint --staged


In summary, Gitlint is a valuable tool for maintaining consistent and well-structured Git commit messages in your repositories. By enforcing commit message style rules and providing feedback, it helps improve the clarity and quality of your commit history. Whether you are working on open-source projects or collaborating within a team, Gitlint can be a valuable addition to your Git workflow. For detailed information on how to use Gitlint and its capabilities, you can refer to the official Gitlint documentation at

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