git help: Display help information about Git

The “git help” command is a useful tool in Git that allows you to access the documentation and help information about Git itself. When you run the “git help” command followed by a specific Git command or topic, it provides you with detailed documentation and instructions on how to use that particular command or understand that topic.

The “git help” command acts as a built-in manual for Git, providing comprehensive guidance on various aspects of Git’s functionality, including its commands, concepts, and workflows. It is designed to assist users in understanding and utilizing Git effectively.

To use “git help,” you simply type “git help” followed by the command or topic you want information about. For example, if you want to learn more about the “commit” command, you can run:

$ git help commit

This will display the help documentation specifically related to the “commit” command. The help information typically includes a description of the command, its usage syntax, available options and arguments, examples, and additional tips or recommendations.

In addition to specific commands, you can also use “git help” to access documentation on broader topics, such as branching, merging, rebasing, and more. For example:

$ git help branching

This will provide you with help documentation specifically related to branching in Git, covering concepts, best practices, and command usage related to branches.

The “git help” command can be a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced Git users. It offers a convenient way to access information and learn about various aspects of Git without leaving the command-line interface. It is particularly helpful when you need a quick reference or a deeper understanding of a specific Git command or topic.

git help Command Examples

1. Display help about a specific Git subcommand:

# git help subcommand

2. Display help about a specific Git subcommand in a web browser:

# git help --web subcommand

3. Display a list of all available Git subcommands:

# git help --all

4. List the available guides:

# git help --guide

5. List all possible configuration variables:

# git help --config


In summary, the “git help” command is a built-in feature of Git that provides access to detailed documentation and help information about Git commands and topics. It serves as a comprehensive manual, assisting users in understanding and utilizing Git effectively for version control and collaboration.

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